Levente Patkó
Levente Patkó
Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science
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Extremely low structural hydroxyl contents in upper mantle xenoliths from the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (northern Pannonian Basin): Geodynamic implications and the role of …
L Patkó, N Liptai, IJ Kovács, LE Aradi, QK Xia, J Ingrin, J Mihály, ...
Chemical Geology 507, 23-41, 2019
Multiple metasomatism beneath the Nógrád–Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin) revealed by upper mantle peridotite xenoliths
N Liptai, L Patkó, IJ Kovács, K Hidas, Z Pintér, T Jeffries, Z Zajacz, ...
Journal of Petrology 58 (6), 1107-1144, 2017
Characterization of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle beneath the Cameroon volcanic line inferred from alkaline basalt hosted peridotite xenoliths from Barombi Mbo and …
Z Pintér, L Patkó, JFT Djoukam, I Kovács, JP Tchouankoue, G Falus, ...
Journal of African Earth Sciences 111, 170-193, 2015
The ‘pargasosphere’hypothesis: Looking at global plate tectonics from a new perspective
IJ Kovács, N Liptai, A Koptev, SAPL Cloetingh, TP Lange, L Mațenco, ...
Global and Planetary Change 204, 103547, 2021
Metasomatism-induced wehrlite formation in the upper mantle beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin): Evidence from xenoliths
L Patkó, N Liptai, LE Aradi, R Klébesz, E Sendula, RJ Bodnar, IJ Kovács, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 11 (3), 943-964, 2020
The role of water and compression in the genesis of alkaline basalts: Inferences from the Carpathian-Pannonian region
I Kovacs, L Patkó, N Liptai, TP Lange, Z Taracsák, S Cloetingh, K Török, ...
Lithos 354, 105323, 2020
Constraints on the thickness and seismic properties of the lithosphere in an extensional setting (Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field, Northern Pannonian Basin)
R Klébesz, Z Gráczer, G Szanyi, N Liptai, I Kovács, L Patkó, Z Pintér, ...
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 50, 133-149, 2015
Upper mantle xenoliths as sources of geophysical information: the Perşani Mts. area as a case study
I Kovács, L Patkó, G Falus, LE Aradi, G Szanyi, Z Gráczer, C Szabó
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 53, 415-438, 2018
Effect of metasomatism on the electrical resistivity of the lithospheric mantle–An integrated research using magnetotelluric sounding and xenoliths beneath the Nógrád-Gömör …
L Patkó, A Novák, R Klébesz, N Liptai, TP Lange, G Molnár, L Csontos, ...
Global and Planetary Change 197, 103389, 2021
Lateral and vertical heterogeneity in the lithospheric mantle at the northern margin of the Pannonian Basin reconstructed from peridotite xenolith microstructures
N Liptai, K Hidas, A Tommasi, L Patkó, IJ Kovács, WL Griffin, SY O'Reilly, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (7), 6315-6336, 2019
Effect of water on the rheology of the lithospheric mantle in young extensional basin systems as shown by xenoliths from the Carpathian-Pannonian region
N Liptai, TP Lange, L Patkó, Z Pintér, M Berkesi, LE Aradi, C Szabó, ...
Global and Planetary Change 196, 103364, 2021
Wehrlitization processes within the upper mantle beneath the Northern Pannonian Basin (Hungary)
The Astrophysical Journal 743, L23, 2011
Iron isotope and trace metal variations during mantle metasomatism: In situ study on sulfide minerals from peridotite xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern …
L Patkó, J Ciazela, LE Aradi, N Liptai, B Pieterek, M Berkesi, M Lazarov, ...
Lithos 396, 106238, 2021
Geochemical evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Styrian Basin (Western Pannonian Basin)
LE Aradi, E Bali, L Patkó, K Hidas, IJ Kovács, A Zanetti, CJ Garrido, ...
Lithos 378, 105831, 2020
Three-dimensional distribution of glass and vesicles in metasomatized xenoliths: A micro-CT case study from Nógrád–Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
L Patkó, L Créon, Z Kovács, N Liptai, E Rosenberg, C Szabó
Geologica carpathica 71 (5), 418-423, 2020
Combined geophysical (magnetotellurics) and geochemical results for determination of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field
A Novák, R Klébesz, C Szabó, V Wesztergom, L Patkó
Characterization of the metasomatizing agent in the upper mantle beneath the northern Pannonian Basin based on Raman imaging, FIB-SEM, and LA-ICP-MS analyses of silicate melt …
N Liptai, M Berkesi, L Patkó, RJ Bodnar, SY O’Reilly, WL Griffin, C Szabó
American Mineralogist 106 (5), 685-700, 2021
Rheology study on the earth’s mantle: Application of quantitative Fourier transfor m infrared spectroscopyon upper mantle xenolith from the Persani Mountains (i n Hungarian)
TP Lange, C Szabó, N Liptai, L Patkó, O Gelencsér, LE Aradi, IJ Kovács
Földtani Közlöny 149 (3), 4, 2019
Deciphering mantle metasomatism using silicate melt inclusions beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
L Patko, N Liptai, L Aradi, R Bodnar, E Sendula, I Kovács, R Klébesz, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 785, 2018
3D Raman mapping combined with FIB‐SEM on multiphase fluid inclusions: A tool to unravel complex phase assemblages
LE Aradi, T Spránitz, JL Myovela, T Guzmics, L Patkó, M Berkesi
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 54 (11), 1341-1352, 2023
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