Meredith A. Johnson
Meredith A. Johnson
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Citované v
User-centered technology in participatory culture: Two decades “beyond a narrow conception of usability testing”
RR Johnson, MJ Salvo, MW Zoetewey
IEEE transactions on professional communication 50 (4), 320-332, 2007
Productive usability: Fostering civic engagement and creating more useful online spaces for public deliberation
WM Simmons, MW Zoetewey
Technical Communication Quarterly 21 (3), 251-276, 2012
Lean technical communication: Toward sustainable program innovation
MA Johnson, WM Simmons, P Sullivan
Routledge, 2017
What is beyond the laptop initiative? Perhaps: Tablet PCs and DyKnow Vision software
Z Chambers, A Chidanandan, R DeVasher, L Merkle, M Minster, ...
Proceedings. Frontiers in Education. 36th Annual Conference, 8-13, 2006
Beyond" current-traditional" design: Assessing rhetoric in new media
MW Zoetewey, J Staggers
Issues in writing 13 (2), 133, 2003
Teaching the Air Midwest case: A stakeholder approach to deliberative technical rhetoric
ME Zoetewey, J Staggers
IEEE transactions on Professional Communication 47 (4), 233-243, 2004
Anti-racist scholarly reviewing practices: A heuristic for editors, reviewers, and authors
LE Cagle, MF Eble, L Gonzales, MA Johnson, NR Johnson, NN Jones, ...
Glitch as infrastructural monster
NR Johnson, MA Johnson
-a Journal of Writing, Rhetoric, and Culture, 2016
Precarious data: Affect, infrastructure, and public education
NR Johnson, MA Johnson
Rhetoric Society Quarterly 50 (5), 368-382, 2020
Can objects be moral agents? Posthuman praxis in public transportation
MA Johnson, NR Johnson
Posthuman praxis in technical communication, 119-140, 2018
The great chain of being: Manifesto on the problem of agency in science communication
CR Miller, L Walsh, J Wynn, AR Kelly, KC Walker, WJ White, ...
Poroi 12 (1), 2016
The rhetoric of free: Open source software and technical communication during economic downturns
MW Zoetewey
Technical communication quarterly 22 (4), 323-342, 2013
A rhetoric of ornament: Decorating mobile devices in the aesthetic economy
MW Zoetewey
Computers and Composition 27 (2), 138-157, 2010
A case of exhaustive documentation: Re-centering system-oriented organizations around user need
M Salvo, MW Zoetewey, K Agena
Technical Communication 54 (1), 46-57, 2007
Assessing civic engagement: Responding to online spaces for public deliberation.
MW Zoetewey, WM Simmons, J Grabill
Digital writing assessment and evaluation, 2013
Pen-based tablet PCs with DyKnow in introductory ‘studio’physics classes
S Kirtley, Z Chambers, D Mutchler, J Williams, M Zoetewey
Workshop on the Impact of Pen-based Technology on Education (WIPTE), 6-7, 2006
Time and the making of space in urban development
NR Johnson, MA Johnson
Rhetoric Society Quarterly 51 (3), 215-226, 2021
Disrupting the computer lab (oratory): Names, metaphors, and the wireless writing classroom
M Zoetewey
Participatory coalition building: Creating an anti-racist scholarly reviewing practices heuristic
L Cagle, M Eble, M Johnson, NR Johnson, L Lane, T Mckoy, K R. Moore, ...
Proceedings of the 39th ACM International Conference on Design of …, 2021
The Resilience of Sensation in Urban Planning
MA Johnson, NR Johnson
Poroi 15 (1), 2020
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