Svilen Sabchevski
Svilen Sabchevski
Head of the Laboratory Plasma Physics and Engineering at IE-BAS
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Development and applications of high—Frequency gyrotrons in FIR FU covering the sub-THz to THz range
T Idehara, SP Sabchevski
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 33, 667-694, 2012
A high harmonic gyrotron with an axis-encircling electron beam and a permanent magnet
T Idehara, I Ogawa, S Mitsudo, Y Iwata, S Watanabe, Y Itakura, K Ohashi, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 32 (3), 903-909, 2004
Development of THz gyrotrons at IAP RAS and FIR UF and their applications in physical research and high-power THz technologies
MY Glyavin, T Idehara, SP Sabchevski
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 5 (5), 788-797, 2015
Novel and emerging applications of the gyrotrons worldwide: Current status and prospects
S Sabchevski, M Glyavin, S Mitsudo, Y Tatematsu, T Idehara
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 42, 715-741, 2021
Direct observation of the hyperfine transition of ground-state positronium
T Yamazaki, A Miyazaki, T Suehara, T Namba, S Asai, T Kobayashi, ...
Physical review letters 108 (25), 253401, 2012
The gyrotrons as promising radiation sources for THz sensing and imaging
T Idehara, SP Sabchevski, M Glyavin, S Mitsudo
Applied Sciences 10 (3), 980, 2020
A novel THz-band double-beam gyrotron for high-field DNP-NMR spectroscopy
T Idehara, M Glyavin, A Kuleshov, S Sabchevski, V Manuilov, V Zaslavsky, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (9), 2017
The potential of the gyrotrons for development of the sub-terahertz and the terahertz frequency range—A review of novel and prospective applications
T Idehara, T Saito, I Ogawa, S Mitsudo, Y Tatematsu, S Sabchevski
Thin Solid Films 517 (4), 1503-1506, 2008
Gyrotrons for high-power terahertz science and technology at FIR UF
T Idehara, SP Sabchevski
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 38, 62-86, 2017
Rapid sintering of silica xerogel ceramic derived from sago waste ash using sub-millimeter wave heating with a 300 GHz CW gyrotron
H Aripin, S Mitsudo, IN Sudiana, S Tani, K Sako, Y Fujii, T Saito, T Idehara, ...
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 32, 867-876, 2011
Gyrotron FU series—Current status of development and applications
T Idehara, S Mitsudo, S Sabchevski, M Glyavin, I Ogawa
Vacuum 62 (2-3), 123-132, 2001
Crystalline mullite formation from mixtures of alumina and a novel material—Silica xerogel converted from sago waste ash
H Aripin, S Mitsudo, ES Prima, IN Sudiana, H Kikuchi, S Sano, ...
Ceramics international 41 (5), 6488-6497, 2015
Sago waste based activated carbon film as an electrode material for electric double layer capacitor
H Aripin, L Lestari, D Ismail, S Sabchevski
Open Materials Science Journal 4, 117-124, 2010
Computer simulation of axis-encircling beams generated by an electron gun with a permanent magnet system
S Sabchevski, T Idehara, I Ogawa, M Glyavin, S Mitsudo, K Ohashi, ...
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 21, 1191-1209, 2000
Development of a high harmonic gyrotron with an axis-encircling electron beam and a permanent magnet
T Idehara, I Ogawa, S Mitsudo, Y Iwata, S Watanabe, Y Itakura, K Ohashi, ...
Vacuum 77 (4), 539-546, 2005
Design of a compact sub-terahertz gyrotron for spectroscopic applications
SP Sabchevski, T Idehara
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 31, 934-948, 2010
Development and application of gyrotrons at FIR UF
T Idehara, SP Sabchevski
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 46 (7), 2452-2459, 2017
Quasi-optical converters for high-power gyrotrons: a brief review of physical models, numerical methods and computer codes
S Sabchevski, I Zhelyazkov, E Benova, V Atanassov, P Dankov, M Thumm, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 44 (1), 102, 2006
Resonant cavities for frequency tunable gyrotrons
S Sabchevski, T Idehara
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 29, 1-22, 2008
Conceptual design study of a novel gyrotron for NMR/DNP spectroscopy
S Sabchevski, T Idehara, S Mitsudo, T Fujiwara
International journal of infrared and millimeter waves 26, 1241-1264, 2005
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