Muhammad Halmi Dar
Muhammad Halmi Dar
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Labuhanbatu
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Citované v
Citované v
Aplikasi Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Pada Upi Convention Center Dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman Php Dan Mysql
SZ Harahap, MH Dar
Informatika 6 (3), 24-27, 2018
Implementasi snort intrusion detection system (IDS) pada sistem jaringan komputer
MH Dar, SZ Harahap
Informatika 6 (3), 14-23, 2018
Sistem Informasi Penjualan Pada Toko R2 Collection Di Rantauprapat Berbasis Web
R Ritonga, MH Dar, I Purnama
Informatika 7 (3), 120-125, 2019
Perancangan Aplikasi Game Dalam Pengenalan Pancasila Menggunakan Adobe Flash CS6
ST Cahya, SZ Harahap, M Nasution, MH Dar, M Masrizal
Journal of Computer Science and Information System (JCoInS) 1 (1), 1-15, 2020
Implementation of the Naïve Bayes Method to determine the Level of Consumer Satisfaction
FF Hasibuan, MH Dar, GJ Yanris
Sinkron: jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika 7 (2), 1000-1011, 2023
Evaluation of labuhanbatu regency government website based on performance variables
I Armaini, MH Dar, B Bangun
Sinkron: jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika 6 (2), 760-766, 2022
Application of Waterfall model in development of family planning participants information system
M Al Fajar, MH Dar, R Rohani
Sinkron: jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika 6 (2), 679-686, 2022
Irmayanti,“Penerapan Data Mining untuk Prediksi Penjualan Produk Sepatu Terlaris Menggunakan Metode Regresi Linier Sederhana,”
DA Pohan, MH Dar
J. Nas. Inform. dan Teknol. Jar 2, 2-6, 2022
Sentiment Analysis of Beauty Product Applications using the Naïve Bayes Method
TS Rambe, MNS Hasibuan, MH Dar
Sinkron: jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika 7 (2), 980-989, 2023
Implementation of the Naïve Bayes Method to determine the Level of Consumer Satisfaction. SinkrOn, 8 (2), 1000–1011
FF Hasibuan, MH Dar, GJ Yanris
Sistem pelacakan kontak covid-19 menggunakan teknologi qr code berbasis web
N Nurjannah, MH Dar, B Bangun
JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi) 7 (3), 283-292, 2021
Analysis of the Decision Tree Method for Determining Interest in Prospective Student College
S Maizura, V Sihombing, MH Dar
Sinkron: jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika 7 (2), 956-979, 2023
Application of the K-Means Clustering Agorithm to Group Train Passengers in Labuhanbatu
IC Indah, MN Sari, MH Dar
Sinkron: jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika 7 (2), 825-837, 2023
Development of e-commerce for selling honey bees in the COVID-19 era
MH Dar, I Irmayanti
Sinkron: jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika 6 (1), 165-175, 2021
Penerapan Metode Backpropagation Neural Network Untuk Memprediksi Produksi Air
MH Dar, GW Nurcahyano, S Defit
vol 12, 203-208, 2017
Implementation of the Naïve Bayes Method to Determine Student Interest in Gaming Laptops
RF Nasution, MH Dar, FA Nasution
Sinkron: jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika 7 (3), 1709-1723, 2023
Analysis of the SVM Method to Determine the Level of Online Shopping Satisfaction in the Community. SinkrOn, 8 (2), 838–855
A Mawaddah, MH Dar, GJ Yanris
Analysis of the Decision Tree Method for Determining Interest in Prospective Student College. SinkrOn, 8 (2), 956–979
S Maizura, V Sihombing, MH Dar
Development of E-Commerce for Selling Honey Bees in the COVID-19 Era. Sinkron, 7 (1), 165–175
I Indriani, MH Dar, I Irmayanti
Strategies to overcome the selling price fluctuations of palm oil fresh fruit bunches (FFB): the farmers efforts in welcoming industry 4.0
MH Dar, S Sarkum, AP Nasution, NE Mustamu
Proceeding 1st ICUTK International Conference, 2018
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