Rajeev Kumar
Rajeev Kumar
Associate Professional Professor, Texas A & M University Corpus-Christi, TX 78412
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Experimental observations of the three-dimensional wake structures and dynamics generated by a rigid, bioinspired pitching panel
JT King, R Kumar, MA Green
Physical Review Fluids 3 (3), 034701, 2018
Drag reduction due to riblets on a GAW (2) airfoil
N Subaschandar, R Kumar, S Sundaram
Journal of aircraft 36 (5), 890-892, 1999
The complete branchial fistula: a case report
C Shekhar, R Kumar, R Kumar, SK Mishra, M Roy, K Bhavana
Indian journal of otolaryngology and Head and neck Surgery 57, 320-322, 2005
Momentum distribution in the wake of a trapezoidal pitching panel
R Kumar, JT King, MA Green
Marine Technology Society Journal 50 (5), 9-23, 2016
Effect of peppermint (Mentha piperita) oil on fermentation of feed and methanogenesis in in vitro gas production test
N Agarwal, C Shekhar, R Kumar, LC Chaudhary, DN Kamra
Animal Feed Science and Technology 148, 321-327, 2009
Kinematics and inertial effects in locust flapping wings
S Shkarayev, R Kumar
Experimental Mechanics 56, 245-258, 2016
Kinematic and aerodynamic response of locusts in sideslip
R Kumar, S Shkarayev
International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles 7 (2), 159-180, 2015
Drag reduction due to riblets on NACA 0012 airfoil at higher angles of attack
N Subashchandar, K Rajeev, S Sundaram
National Aerospace Laboratories Report PD-EA-9504, India, 1995
Three-dimensional pitching panel wake: Lagrangian analysis and momentum distribution from experiments
R Kumar, JT King, MA Green
AIAA journal 57 (9), 3701-3715, 2019
Experimental analysis on ballistic performance of newly developed sandwich hybrid natural composites
GA Kumar, MR Kumar, AMR Babu, RR Kumar, GS Kumar, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 21, 41-44, 2020
Simultaneous measurement of aerodynamic forces and kinematics in flapping wings of tethered locust
S Shkarayev, R Kumar
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 10 (6), 066003, 2015
Zero valent Ag deposited TiO2 for the efficient photocatalysis of methylene blue under UV-C light irradiation. Colloids Interface Sci Commun 5: 1–4
R Kumar, J Rashid, MA Barakat
Fabrication of polyaniline/graphene oxide nanosheet@ tea waste granules adsorbent for groundwater purification
M Al Hawash, R Kumar, MA Barakat
Nanomaterials 12 (21), 3840, 2022
Insect-inspired micro air vehicles
R Kumar, R Randall, D Silin, SV Shkarayev
Handbook of Biomimetics and Bioinspiration: 2 Electromechanical Systems, 613-639, 2014
Synthesis and characterization of a starch–AlOOH–FeS2 nanocomposite for the adsorption of congo red dye from aqueous solution. RSC Adv 4: 38334–38340
R Kumar, J Rashid, MA Barakat
Instantaneous forces in locust flapping wings
SV Shkarayev, R Kumar
32nd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 2834, 2014
Experimental study of aerodynamic performance of locust and model wings
R Kumar, D Silin, S Shkarayev
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and …, 2011
Genetic diversity evaluation of some G. arboreum (diploid cotton) varieties by RAPD analysis
M Kumar, R Kumar, L Chaudhary
International Journal of Biotechnology & Biochemistry 4 (1), 23-32, 2008
A leastsquares/Galerkin split finite element method for incompressible Navier-Stokes problems
BH Dennis, R Kumar
ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and …, 2008
Experimental study on the effects of trailing edge geometry on the wake structure of a trapezoidal pitching panel
JT King, R Kumar, MA Green
47th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 4421, 2017
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