Hoang-Quynh Le (Lê Hoàng Quỳnh)
Hoang-Quynh Le (Lê Hoàng Quỳnh)
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Citované v
D3NER: biomedical named entity recognition using CRF-biLSTM improved with fine-tuned embeddings of various linguistic information
TH Dang, HQ Le, TM Nguyen, ST Vu
Bioinformatics 34 (20), 3539-3546, 2018
Detection of distributed denial of service attacks using automatic feature selection with enhancement for imbalance dataset
DC Can, HQ Le, QT Ha
Intelligent Information and Database Systems: 13th Asian Conference, ACIIDS …, 2021
An experimental study on Vietnamese POS tagging
OT Tran, CA Le, TQ Ha, QH Le
2009 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 23-27, 2009
A richer-but-smarter shortest dependency path with attentive augmentation for relation extraction
HQ Le, DC Can, QT Ha, N Collier
2019 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for …, 2019
Large-scale exploration of neural relation classification architectures
HQ Le, DC Can, TS Vu, TH Dang, MT Pilehvar, N Collier
Learning to recognize phenotype candidates in the auto-immune literature using SVM re-ranking
N Collier, M Tran, H Le, QT Ha, A Oellrich, D Rebholz-Schuhmann
PloS one 8 (10), e72965, 2013
Sieve-based coreference resolution enhances semi-supervised learning model for chemical-induced disease relation extraction
HQ Le, MV Tran, TH Dang, QT Ha, N Collier
Database 2016, baw102, 2016
The UET-CAM system in the BioCreAtIvE V CDR task
HQ Le, MV Tran, TH Dang, C Nigel
Improving chemical-induced disease relation extraction with learned features based on convolutional neural network
HQ Le, DC Can, TH Dang, MV Tran, QT Ha, N Collier
2017 9th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE …, 2017
A hybrid approach to finding phenotype candidates in genetic texts
N Collier, MV Tran, HQ Le, A Oellrich, A Kawazoe, M Hall-May, ...
Proceedings of COLING 2012, 647-662, 2012
Automatic named entity set expansion using semantic rules and wrappers for unary relations
MV Tran, TT Nguyen, TS Nguyen, HQ Le
2010 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 170-173, 2010
Geography of provinces and cities in Vietnam
T Le, MT Nguyen, VP Nguyen, DC Nguyen, XH Pham, TS Nguyen, ...
Le T 6, 49-94, 2006
An integrated approach using conditional random fields for named entity recognition and person property extraction in Vietnamese text
HQ Le, MV Tran, NN Bui, NC Phan, QT Ha
2011 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 115-118, 2011
A Hybrid Multi-answer Summarization Model for the Biomedical Question-Answering System
QA Nguyen, QH Duong, MQ Nguyen, HS Nguyen, HQ Le, DC Can, ...
2021 13th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE …, 2021
UETCorn at MEDIQA-Sum 2023: Template-based Summarization for Clinical Note Generation from Doctor-Patient Conversation.
DC Can, QA Nguyen, BN Nguyen, MQ Nguyen, KV Nguyen, TH Do, ...
CLEF (Working Notes), 1423-1432, 2023
Overview of the VLSP 2023--ComOM Shared Task: A Data Challenge for Comparative Opinion Mining from Vietnamese Product Reviews
HQ Le, DC Can, KV Nguyen, MV Tran
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.13613, 2024
A Method for Building a Labeled Named Entity Recognition Corpus Using Ontologies
NT Vu, VH Tran, THT Doan, HQ Le, MV Tran
Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering: Proceedings of 3rd …, 2015
FOREcaST: Improving Extreme Weather Forecasts with Deep Neural Decision Forest for Climate Change Adaptation
KV Nguyen, QA Nguyen, HQ Le, DC Can
2023 15th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE …, 2023
Aspect-based sentiment analysis using mini-window locating attention for vietnamese e-commerce reviews
B Le-Minh, TP Le, KH Tran, KH Bui, HQ Le, DC Can, HNC Thanh, ...
2021 13th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE …, 2021
Bundle Recommendation with Item-Level Causation-Enhanced Multi-view Learning
HS Nguyen, TN Bui, LH Nguyen, H Hoang, CV Thi Nguyen, HQ Le, DT Le
Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in …, 2024
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