Spatial heterogeneity of willingness to pay for forest management M Czajkowski, W Budziński, D Campbell, M Giergiczny, N Hanley Environmental and Resource Economics 68, 705-727, 2017 | 150 | 2017 |
Simulation error in maximum likelihood estimation of discrete choice models M Czajkowski, W Budziński Journal of choice modelling 31, 73-85, 2019 | 130 | 2019 |
Addressing empirical challenges related to the incentive compatibility of stated preferences methods M Czajkowski, CA Vossler, W Budziński, A Wiśniewska, E Zawojska Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 142, 47-63, 2017 | 130 | 2017 |
Valuing the commons: An international study on the recreational benefits of the Baltic Sea M Czajkowski, H Ahtiainen, J Artell, W Budziński, B Hasler, L Hasselström, ... Journal of environmental management 156, 209-217, 2015 | 90 | 2015 |
Preference and WTP stability for public forest management M Czajkowski, A Bartczak, W Budziński, M Giergiczny, N Hanley Forest Policy and Economics 71, 11-22, 2016 | 52* | 2016 |
Marine trade-offs: Comparing the benefits of off-shore wind farms and marine protected areas A Karlõševa, S Nõmmann, T Nõmmann, E Urbel-Piirsalu, W Budziński, ... Energy Economics 55, 127-134, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |
Using geographically weighted choice models to account for the spatial heterogeneity of preferences W Budziński, D Campbell, M Czajkowski, U Demšar, N Hanley Journal of Agricultural Economics 69 (3), 606-626, 2018 | 38 | 2018 |
An economic valuation of access to cultural institutions: museums, theatres, and cinemas A Wiśniewska, W Budziński, M Czajkowski Journal of Cultural Economics 44 (4), 563-587, 2020 | 32 | 2020 |
An insight into the numerical simulation bias–a comparison of efficiency and performance of different types of quasi Monte Carlo simulation methods under a wide range of … M Czajkowski, W Budziński Environmental Choice Modelling Conference, Copenhagen, 2015 | 25 | 2015 |
Impact of beliefs about negative effects of wind turbines on preference heterogeneity regarding renewable energy development in Poland A Bartczak, W Budziński, B Gołębiowska Resources, Conservation and Recycling 169, 105530, 2021 | 24 | 2021 |
Impact of social comparison on preferences for Demand Side Management in Poland B Gołębiowska, A Bartczak, W Budziński Energy Policy 149, 112024, 2021 | 22 | 2021 |
Endogeneity and measurement bias of the indicator variables in hybrid choice models: A Monte Carlo investigation W Budziński, M Czajkowski Environmental and Resource Economics 83 (3), 605-629, 2022 | 21 | 2022 |
Valuing externalities of outdoor advertising in an urban setting–the case of Warsaw M Czajkowski, M Bylicki, W Budziński, M Buczyński Journal of Urban Economics 130, 103452, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Preferences for online grocery shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic—the role of fear-related attitudes W Budziński, R Daziano Journal of choice modelling 47, 100416, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
Increasing the cost-effectiveness of nutrient reduction targets using different spatial scales M Czajkowski, HE Andersen, G Blicher-Mathiesen, W Budziński, ... Science of the Total Environment 790, 147824, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
The relative performance of ex‐ante and ex‐post measures to mitigate hypothetical and strategic bias in a stated preference study S Colombo, W Budziński, M Czajkowski, K Glenk Journal of Agricultural Economics 73 (3), 845-873, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
Simulation error in maximum likelihood estimation of discrete choice models. J. Choice Model. 31, 73–85 M Czajkowski, W Budziński | 9 | 2019 |
Hybrid choice models vs. endogeneity of indicator variables: a Monte Carlo investigation W Budziński, M Czajkowski Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw Working Papers, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
A social‐psychological reconstruction of Amartya Sen’s measures of inequality and social welfare O Stark, W Budzinski Kyklos 74 (4), 552-566, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Pure rank preferences and variation in risk-taking behavior O Stark, W Budzinski, M Jakubek Economics Letters 184, 108636, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |