Pierre-Marc Daigneault
Citované v
Citované v
Reassessing the concept of policy paradigm: aligning ontology and methodology in policy studies
PM Daigneault
Journal of European Public Policy 21 (3), 453-469, 2014
Toward accurate measurement of participation
PM Daigneault, S Jacob
American Journal of Evaluation 30 (3), 330-348, 2009
Unexpected but most welcome: Mixed methods for the validation and revision of the participatory evaluation measurement instrument
PM Daigneault, S Jacob
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 8 (1), 6-24, 2014
Using systematic review methods within a Ph.D. dissertation in political science: challenges and lessons learned from practice
PM Daigneault, S Jacob, M Ouimet
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 17 (3), 267-283, 2014
Three paradigms of social assistance
PM Daigneault
Sage Open 4 (4), 2158244014559020, 2014
Program awareness, administrative burden, and non-take-up of Québec’s supplement to the work premium
PM Daigneault, C Macé
International Journal of Public Administration 43 (6), 527-539, 2020
Taking stock of four decades of quantitative research on stakeholder participation and evaluation use: A systematic map
PM Daigneault
Evaluation and program planning 45, 171-181, 2014
Measuring stakeholder participation in evaluation: An empirical validation of the participatory evaluation measurement instrument (PEMI)
PM Daigneault, S Jacob, J Tremblay
Evaluation Review 36 (4), 243-271, 2012
Understanding and Improving the Take-up of Public Programs: Lessons Learned from the Canadian and International Experience in Human Services
PM Daigneault, S Jacob, M Tereraho
International Journal of Business and Social Science 3 (1), 39-50, 2012
Welfare Reform in Canada: Provincial Social Assistance in Comparative Perspective
D Béland, PM Daigneault
University of Toronto Press, 2015
Can you recognize a paradigm shift when you see one? Defining and measuring paradigm shift
PM Daigneault
Policy paradigms in theory and practice: Discourses, ideas and anomalies in …, 2015
Taking subnational and regional welfare states seriously: Insights from the Quebec case
PM Daigneault, L Birch, D Béland, SD Bélanger
Journal of European Social Policy 31 (2), 239-249, 2021
Puzzling about policy paradigms: precision and progress
PM Daigneault
Journal of European Public Policy 21 (3), 481-484, 2014
Taking explanation seriously in political science
PM Daigneault, D Béland
Political Studies Review 13 (3), 384-392, 2015
Les concepts souffrent-ils de négligence bénigne en sciences sociales? Éléments d’analyse conceptuelle et examen exploratoire de la littérature francophone à caractère …
PM Daigneault, S Jacob
Social Science Information 51 (2), 188-204, 2012
Ideas and welfare reform in Saskatchewan: Entitlement, workfare or activation?
PM Daigneault
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2015
Les approches théoriques en évaluation: état de la question et perspectives
PM Daigneault
Cahiers de la performance et de l'évaluation, 2-6, 2011
Les approches théoriques en évaluation
PM Daigneault
Cahiers de la performance et de l'évaluation, 2011
L’analyse textuelle des idées, du discours et des pratiques politiques
PM Daigneault, F Petry
Presses de l'Université Laval, 2017
Short ‘Reflective’Think-Piece - The Blind Men and the Elephant: A Metaphor to Illuminate the Role of Researchers and Reviewers in Social Science
PM Daigneault
Methodological Innovations Online 8 (2), 82-89, 2013
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