André Wilke
André Wilke
Assistant Professor at Indiana University
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Citované v
Paratransgenesis: a promising new strategy for mosquito vector control
ABB Wilke, MT Marrelli
Parasites & vectors 8, 1-9, 2015
Mass production of genetically modified Aedes aegypti for field releases in Brazil
DO Carvalho, D Nimmo, N Naish, AR McKemey, P Gray, ABB Wilke, ...
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 3579, 2014
Urbanization creates diverse aquatic habitats for immature mosquitoes in urban areas
ABB Wilke, C Chase, C Vasquez, A Carvajal, J Medina, WD Petrie, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 15335, 2019
Morphometric wing characters as a tool for mosquito identification
ABB Wilke, RO Christe, LC Multini, PO Vidal, R Wilk-da-Silva, ...
PloS one 11 (8), e0161643, 2016
Complexity of the relationship between global warming and urbanization–an obscure future for predicting increases in vector-borne infectious diseases
ABB Wilke, JC Beier, G Benelli
Current opinion in insect science 35, 1-9, 2019
Mosquitoes in urban green spaces: using an island biogeographic approach to identify drivers of species richness and composition
AR Medeiros-Sousa, A Fernandes, W Ceretti-Junior, ABB Wilke, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 17826, 2017
Genetic control of mosquitoes: population suppression strategies
ABB Wilke, MT Marrelli
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo 54, 287-292, 2012
Mosquito populations dynamics associated with climate variations
ABB Wilke, AR Medeiros-Sousa, W Ceretti-Junior, MT Marrelli
Acta tropica 166, 343-350, 2017
Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito)
G Benelli, ABB Wilke, JC Beier
Trends in Parasitology, 2020
Transgenic mosquitoes–fact or fiction?
ABB Wilke, JC Beier, G Benelli
Trends in parasitology 34 (6), 456-465, 2018
Proliferation of Aedes aegypti in urban environments mediated by the availability of key aquatic habitats
ABB Wilke, C Vasquez, A Carvajal, J Medina, C Chase, G Cardenas, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 12925, 2020
Mini-review: genetic enhancements to the sterile insect technique to control mosquito populations
ABB Wilke, DD Nimmo, O St John, BB Kojin, ML Capurro, MT Marrelli
AsPac J Mol Biol Biotechnol 17 (3), 65-74, 2009
Apiaceae essential oils and their constituents as insecticides against mosquitoes—A review
E Spinozzi, F Maggi, G Bonacucina, R Pavela, MC Boukouvala, ...
Industrial crops and products 171, 113892, 2021
Microgeographic population structuring of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)
ABB Wilke, R Wilk-da-Silva, MT Marrelli
PloS one 12 (9), e0185150, 2017
Urbanization favors the proliferation of Aedesaegypti and Culexquinquefasciatus in urban areas of Miami-Dade County, Florida
ABB Wilke, C Vasquez, A Carvajal, M Moreno, DO Fuller, G Cardenas, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 22989, 2021
Overexposing mosquitoes to insecticides under global warming: A public health concern?
G Benelli, ABB Wilke, JR Bloomquist, N Desneux, JC Beier
Science of The Total Environment 762, 143069, 2021
Beyond frontiers: On invasive alien mosquito species in America and Europe
ABB Wilke, G Benelli, JC Beier
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 14 (1), e0007864, 2020
Community composition and year-round abundance of vector species of mosquitoes make Miami-Dade County, Florida a receptive gateway for arbovirus entry to the United States
ABB Wilke, C Vasquez, J Medina, A Carvajal, W Petrie, JC Beier
Scientific reports 9 (1), 8732, 2019
Wing morphometric variability in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) from different urban built environments
R Wilk-da-Silva, MMC de Souza Leal Diniz, MT Marrelli, ABB Wilke
Parasites & vectors 11, 1-9, 2018
Assessment of the effectiveness of BG-Sentinel traps baited with CO2 and BG-Lure for the surveillance of vector mosquitoes in Miami-Dade County, Florida
ABB Wilke, A Carvajal, J Medina, M Anderson, VJ Nieves, M Ramirez, ...
PLoS One 14 (2), e0212688, 2019
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