Jessica L Tracy
Jessica L Tracy
Professor of Psychology, University of British Columbia
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Citované v
" Putting the Self Into Self-Conscious Emotions: A Theoretical Model"
JL Tracy, RW Robins
Psychological inquiry 15 (2), 103-125, 2004
Global self-esteem across the life span.
RW Robins, KH Trzesniewski, JL Tracy, SD Gosling, J Potter
Psychology and aging 17 (3), 423, 2002
The psychological structure of pride: a tale of two facets.
JL Tracy, RW Robins
Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (3), 506, 2007
The self-conscious emotions: Theory and research
JL Tracy, RW Robins, JP Tangney
Guilford Press, 2007
Two ways to the top: evidence that dominance and prestige are distinct yet viable avenues to social rank and influence.
JT Cheng, JL Tracy, T Foulsham, A Kingstone, J Henrich
Journal of personality and social psychology 104 (1), 103, 2013
Pride, personality, and the evolutionary foundations of human social status
JT Cheng, JL Tracy, J Henrich
Evolution and Human Behavior 31 (5), 334-347, 2010
Appraisal antecedents of shame and guilt: Support for a theoretical model
JL Tracy, RW Robins
Personality and social psychology bulletin 32 (10), 1339-1351, 2006
Show your pride: Evidence for a discrete emotion expression
JL Tracy, RW Robins
Psychological science 15 (3), 194-197, 2004
Personality correlates of self-esteem
RW Robins, JL Tracy, K Trzesniewski, J Potter, SD Gosling
Journal of research in personality 35 (4), 463-482, 2001
Two replicable suppressor situations in personality research
DL Paulhus, RW Robins, KH Trzesniewski, JL Tracy
Multivariate behavioral research 39 (2), 303-328, 2004
The spontaneous expression of pride and shame: Evidence for biologically innate nonverbal displays
JL Tracy, D Matsumoto
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (33), 11655-11660, 2008
Authentic and hubristic pride: The affective core of self-esteem and narcissism
JL Tracy, JT Cheng, RW Robins, KH Trzesniewski
Self and identity 8 (2-3), 196-213, 2009
Four models of basic emotions: A review of Ekman and Cordaro, Izard, Levenson, and Panksepp and Watt
JL Tracy, D Randles
Emotion review 3 (4), 397-405, 2011
Emerging insights into the nature and function of pride
JL Tracy, RW Robins
Current directions in psychological science 16 (3), 147-150, 2007
Self-conscious emotions
JL Tracy, RW Robins, JP Tangney
Theory and research, 209-10, 2007
Emotional expression: Advances in basic emotion theory
D Keltner, D Sauter, J Tracy, A Cowen
Journal of nonverbal behavior 43, 133-160, 2019
What are emotion expressions for?
AF Shariff, JL Tracy
Current Directions in Psychological Science 20 (6), 395-399, 2011
Self-compassion: A potential resource for young women athletes
AD Mosewich, KC Kowalski, CM Sabiston, WA Sedgwick, JL Tracy
Journal of sport and exercise psychology 33 (1), 103-123, 2011
The nonverbal expression of pride: evidence for cross-cultural recognition.
JL Tracy, RW Robins
Journal of personality and social psychology 94 (3), 516, 2008
Attachment styles and adolescent sexuality
JL Tracy, PR Shaver, AW Albino, ML Cooper
Adolescent romantic relations and sexual behavior, 137-159, 2003
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