Francesca Bellagamba
Francesca Bellagamba
Associate Professor, Sapienza Università di Roma
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The role of declarative pointing in developing a theory of mind
L Camaioni, P Perucchini, F Bellagamba, C Colonnesi
Infancy 5 (3), 291-308, 2004
Re-enacting intended acts: Comparing 12-and 18-month-olds
F Bellagamba, M Tomasello
Infant behavior and development 22 (2), 277-282, 1999
The dialogical self in the first two years of life: Embarking on a journey of discovery
A Fogel, I de Koeyer, F Bellagamba, H Bell
Theory & Psychology 12 (2), 191-205, 2002
Beyond screen time: a synergistic approach to a more comprehensive assessment of family media exposure during early childhood
R Barr, H Kirkorian, J Radesky, S Coyne, D Nichols, O Blanchfield, ...
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1283, 2020
A longitudinal examination of the transition to symbolic communication in the second year of life
L Camaioni, T Aureli, F Bellagamba, A Fogel
Infant and Child Development: An International Journal of Research and …, 2003
Waiting by mistake: Symbolic representation of rewards modulates intertemporal choice in capuchin monkeys, preschool children and adult humans
E Addessi, F Bellagamba, A Delfino, F De Petrillo, V Focaroli, ...
Cognition 130 (3), 428-441, 2014
Evoluzione dei termini di stati mentali nelle storie di fantasia scritte da bambini in età scolare.
L Camaioni, E Longobardi, F Bellagamba
Età evolutiva, 1998
Change in children's understanding of others’ intentional actions
F Bellagamba, L Camaioni, C Colonnesi
Developmental Science 9 (2), 182-188, 2006
How infant and toddlers’ media use is related to sleeping habits in everyday life in Italy
F Bellagamba, F Presaghi, M Di Marco, E D’Abundo, O Blanchfield, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 589664, 2021
Baby-led weaning in Italy and potential implications for infant development
E Addessi, AT Galloway, T Wingrove, H Brochu, A Pierantozzi, ...
Appetite 164, 105286, 2021
False belief understanding and “cool” inhibitory control in 3-and 4-years-old Italian children
F Bellagamba, E Addessi, V Focaroli, G Pecora, V Maggiorelli, B Pace, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 872, 2015
Concurrent relations between inhibitory control, vocabulary and internal state language in 18-and 24-month-old Italian-speaking infants
F Bellagamba, F Laghi, A Lonigro, CS Pace, E Longobardi
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 11 (4), 420-432, 2014
& Fitzpatrick, C.(2020). Beyond screen time: A synergistic approach to a more comprehensive assessment of family media exposure during early childhood
R Barr, H Kirkorian, J Radesky, S Coyne, D Nichols, O Blanchfield, ...
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1283, 0
Infant sleep and development: Concurrent and longitudinal relations during the first 8 months of life
G Pecora, V Focaroli, M Paoletti, L Barca, F Chiarotti, AM Borghi, ...
Infant Behavior and Development 67, 101719, 2022
Re-enactment of intended acts from a video presentation by 18-and 24-month-old children
F Bellagamba, F Laghi, A Lonigro, CS Pace
Cognitive Processing 13, 381-386, 2012
Abstractness emerges progressively over the second year of life
F Bellagamba, AM Borghi, C Mazzuca, G Pecora, F Ferrara, A Fogel
Scientific reports 12 (1), 20940, 2022
Contextual factors modulate risk preferences in adult humans
F De Petrillo, M Paoletti, F Bellagamba, G Manzi, F Paglieri, E Addessi
Behavioural Processes 176, 104137, 2020
Executive function
G Pecora, F Zoratto, M Paoletti, F Bellagamba, F Paglieri, E Addessi
Encyclopedia of animal cognition and behavior, 1-5, 2017
Do displacement activities help preschool children to inhibit a forbidden action?
G Pecora, E Addessi, G Schino, F Bellagamba
Journal of experimental child psychology 126, 80-90, 2014
Indices of social knowledge in Italian-speaking children: Relations between personal pronouns, verb conjugations and mental state language
E Longobardi, P Spataro, G Pecora, F Bellagamba
First Language 39 (4), 396-411, 2019
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