Dr. Manas Kumar Bag
Dr. Manas Kumar Bag
Principal Scientist, ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, Odisha, India
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Arsenic tolerances in rice (Oryza sativa) have a predominant role in transcriptional regulation of a set of genes including sulphur assimilation pathway and antioxidant system
A Rai, P Tripathi, S Dwivedi, S Dubey, M Shri, S Kumar, PK Tripathi, ...
Chemosphere, 2010
Arsenate exposure affects amino acids, mineral nutrient status and antioxidants in rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes
S Dwivedi, RD Tripathi, P Tripathi, A Kumar, R Dave, S Mishra, R Singh, ...
Environmental science & technology 44 (24), 9542-9549, 2010
Arsenic affects mineral nutrients in grains of various Indian rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes grown on arsenic-contaminated soils of West Bengal
S Dwivedi, RD Tripathi, S Srivastava, R Singh, A Kumar, P Tripathi, ...
Protoplasma 245 (1), 113-124, 2010
Novel Trichoderma strains isolated from tree barks as potential biocontrol agents and biofertilizers for direct seeded rice
H Swain, T Adak, AK Mukherjee, PK Mukherjee, P Bhattacharyya, ...
Microbiological research 214, 83-90, 2018
Status Paper on Rice in West Bengal
B Adhikari, MK Bag, MK Bhowmick, C Kundu, 2011
Evaluation of an Indian collection of black gram germplasm and identification of resistance sources to Mungbean yellow mosaic virus
MK Bag, NK Gautam, TV Prasad, S Pandey, M Dutta, A Roy
Crop protection 61, 92-101, 2014
Use of molecular markers in identification and characterization of resistance to rice blast in India
MJ Manoj K Yadav, Aravindan S., Umakanta N., H. N. Subudhi, Manas Kumar Bag ...
PLoS ONE 12 (4), 2017
Evaluation of 19,460 Wheat Accessions Conserved in the Indian National Genebank to Identify New Sources of Resistance to Rust and Spot Blotch Diseases
S Kumar, S Archak, M Tyagi, R. K., Bag, KC Bansal
PLoS ONE 11 (12), 2016
Bioefficacy of Strobilurin Based Fungicides against Rice Sheath Blight Disease.
MK Bag, M Yadav, AK Mukherjee
Transcriptomics 4 (1), 2016
Effect of different active fungicides molecules on the management of rice blast disease
D Dutta, S Saha, DP Ray, MK Bag
International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology 5 (3 …, 2012
Efficacy of a new fungicide ‘Trifloxystrobin 25% + Tebuconazole 50%’ 75WG against Sheath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) of Rice
MK Bag
Journal of Crop and Weed 5 (1), 224 - 226, 2009
Assessment of phenotypic diversity in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] germplasm of Indian origin and identification of trait-specific germplasm
J Kumari, MK Bag, S Pandey, SK Jha, SS Chauhan, GK Jha, NK Gautam, ...
Crop and Pasture Science 67 (12), 1223-1234, 2016
Diversity analysis and evaluation of wild Abelmoschus species for agro-morphological traits and major biotic stresses under the north western agro-climatic condition of India
KK Gangopadhyay, A Singh, MK Bag, P Ranjan, TV Prasad, A Roy, ...
Genet Resour Crop Evol, 2016
Evaluation of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) germplasm for agronomic traits and disease resistance and estimation of genetic variability
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 85 (2), 234 - 239, 2015
Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of isolates of the rice false smut pathogen Ustilaginoidea virens in India.
MK Bag, A Ray, P Masurkar, BN Devanna, C Parameswaran, M Baite, ...
Plant Pathology, 2021
Biophysical and biochemical basis of resistance to fruit and shoot borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guennee) in eggplant
TV Prasad, R Bhardwaj, KK Gangopadhyay, M Arivalagan, MK Bag, ...
Indian Journal of Horticulture 71 (1), 67-71, 2014
Green silver nano-particles: synthesis using rice leaf extract, characterization, efficacy, and non-target effects
T Adak, H Swain, S Munda, AK Mukherjee, MK Yadav, A Sundaram, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 4452-4462, 2021
A survey of bacterial blight (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae) resistance in rice germplasm from eastern and northeastern India using molecular markers
A Banerjee, S Roy, MK Bag, S Bhagat, MK Kar, NP Mandal, ...
Crop protection 112, 168-176, 2018
Correction: Use of molecular markers in identification and characterization of resistance to rice blast in India
MK Yadav, A S, U Ngangkham, HN Subudhi, MK Bag, T Adak, S Munda, ...
Plos one 12 (6), e0179467, 2017
Molecular Evidence for Occurrence of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus in Ash Gourd (Benincasa hispida) Germplasm Showing a Severe Yellow Stunt Disease in India
A Roy, P Spoorthi, G Panwar, MK Bag, TV Prasad, G Kumar, ...
Indian Journal of Virology 24 (1), 74 - 77, 2013
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