Yohda Masafumi
Yohda Masafumi
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Novel non-heme iron center of nitrile hydratase with a claw setting of oxygen atoms
S Nagashima, M Nakasako, N Dohmae, M Tsujimura, K Takio, M Odaka, ...
Nature Structural Biology 5 (5), 347-351, 1998
Heat-inactivated proteins are rescued by the DnaK⋅ J-GrpE set and ClpB chaperones
K Motohashi, Y Watanabe, M Yohda, M Yoshida
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (13), 7184-7189, 1999
Chaperonin-mediated stabilization and ATP-triggered release of semiconductor nanoparticles
D Ishii, K Kinbara, Y Ishida, N Ishii, M Okochi, M Yohda, T Aida
Nature 423 (6940), 628-632, 2003
Post-translational modification is essential for catalytic activity of nitrile hydratase
T Murakami, M Nojiri, H Nakayama, M Odaka, M Yohda, N Dohmae, ...
Protein Science 9 (5), 1024-1030, 2000
Sequence and over-expression of subunits of adenosine triphosphate synthase in thermophilic bacterium PS3
S Ohta, M Yohda, M Ishizuka, H Hirata, T Hamamoto, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 933 (1), 141-155, 1988
Fe-type nitrile hydratase
I Endo, M Nojiri, M Tsujimura, M Nakasako, S Nagashima, M Yohda, ...
Journal of inorganic biochemistry 83 (4), 247-253, 2001
Cyclic RGD peptide-labeled upconversion nanophosphors for tumor cell-targeted imaging
T Zako, H Nagata, N Terada, A Utsumi, M Sakono, M Yohda, H Ueda, ...
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 381 (1), 54-58, 2009
Activity regulation of photoreactive nitrile hydratase by nitric oxide
M Odaka, K Fujii, M Hoshino, T Noguchi, M Tsujimura, S Nagashima, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 119 (16), 3785-3791, 1997
High speed polymerase chain reaction in constant flow
H Nakano, K Matsuda, M Yohda, T Nagamune, I Endo, T Yamane
Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 58 (2), 349-352, 1994
Functional expression of nitrile hydratase in Escherichia coli: requirement of a nitrile hydratase activator and post-translational modification of a ligand cysteine
M Nojiri, M Yohda, M Odaka, Y Matsushita, M Tsujimura, T Yoshida, ...
The journal of biochemistry 125 (4), 696-704, 1999
Structure of the photoreactive iron center of the nitrile hydratase from Rhodococcus sp. N-771: Evidence of a novel post-translational modification in the cysteine ligand
M Tsujimura, N Dohmae, M Odaka, M Chijimatsu, K Takio, M Yohda, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 272 (47), 29454-29459, 1997
An enzyme controlled by light: the molecular mechanism of photoreactivity in nitrile hydratase
I Endo, M Odaka, M Yohda
Trends in biotechnology 17 (6), 244-248, 1999
Properties of aspartate racemase, a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-independent amino acid racemase.
T Yamauchi, SY Choi, H Okada, M Yohda, H Kumagai, N Esaki, K Soda
Journal of Biological Chemistry 267 (26), 18361-18364, 1992
Tertiary and Quaternary Structures of Photoreactive Fe-Type Nitrile Hydratase from Rhodococcus sp. N-771:  Roles of Hydration Water Molecules in Stabilizing the Structures …
M Nakasako, M Odaka, M Yohda, N Dohmae, K Takio, N Kamiya, I Endo
Biochemistry 38 (31), 9887-9898, 1999
Site-directed mutagenesis of stable adenosine triphosphate synthase
M Yohda, S Ohta, T Hisabori, Y Kagawa
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 933 (1), 156-164, 1988
Carbonyl Sulfide Hydrolase from Thiobacillus thioparus Strain THI115 Is One of the β-Carbonic Anhydrase Family Enzymes
T Ogawa, K Noguchi, M Saito, Y Nagahata, H Kato, A Ohtaki, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (10), 3818-3825, 2013
Crystal structures of the group II chaperonin from Thermococcus strain KS-1: steric hindrance by the substituted amino acid, and inter-subunit rearrangement between two crystal …
Y Shomura, T Yoshida, R Iizuka, T Maruyama, M Yohda, K Miki
Journal of molecular biology 335 (5), 1265-1278, 2004
Effects of linear polyacrylamide concentrations and applied voltages on the separation of oligonucleotides and DNA sequencing fragments by capillary electrophoresis
T Manabe, N Chen, S Terabe, M Yohda, I Endo
Analytical chemistry 66 (23), 4243-4252, 1994
Packaging guest proteins into the encapsulin nanocompartment from Rhodococcus erythropolis N771
A Tamura, Y Fukutani, T Takami, M Fujii, Y Nakaguchi, Y Murakami, ...
Biotechnology and bioengineering 112 (1), 13-20, 2015
Structure of thiocyanate hydrolase: a new nitrile hydratase family protein with a novel five-coordinate cobalt (III) center
T Arakawa, Y Kawano, S Kataoka, Y Katayama, N Kamiya, M Yohda, ...
Journal of molecular biology 366 (5), 1497-1509, 2007
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