Mud mounds: a polygenetic spectrum of fine-grained carbonate buildups G Flajs, M Vigener, H Keupp, D Meischner, F Neuweiler, J Paul, J Reitner, ... Facies 32, 1-69, 1995 | 169 | 1995 |
Petrology of Lower Cretaceous carbonate mud mounds (Albian, N. Spain): insights into organomineralic deposits of the geological record F Neuweiler, P Gautret, V Thiel, R Lange, W Michaelis, J Reitner Sedimentology 46 (5), 837-859, 1999 | 129 | 1999 |
Automicrites in a modern marine microbialite. Formation model via organic matrices (Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia) J Reitner, P Gautret, F Marin, F Neuweiler BULLETIN-INSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE MONACO-NUMERO SPECIAL-, 237-264, 1995 | 126 | 1995 |
Biosedimentology of the Early Jurassic post‐extinction carbonate depositional system, central High Atlas rift basin, Morocco M Wilmsen, F Neuweiler Sedimentology 55 (4), 773-807, 2008 | 111 | 2008 |
Microbial carbonate crusts-a key to the environmental analysis of fossil spongiolites? H Keupp, A Jenisch, R Herrmann, F Neuweiler, J Reitner Facies 29, 41-54, 1993 | 98 | 1993 |
Modern and fossil automicrites: implications for mud mound genesis J Reitner, F Neuweiler, P Gautret Facies 32, 4-17, 1995 | 82 | 1995 |
Development of Albian microbialites and microbialite reefs at marginal platform areas of the Vasco-Cantabrian Basin (Soba Reef Area, Cantabria, N. Spain) F Neuweiler Facies 29, 231-249, 1993 | 66 | 1993 |
Degradative calcification of a modern siliceous sponge from the Great Bahama Bank, the Bahamas: a guide for interpretation of ancient sponge-bearing limestones F Neuweiler, I Daoust, PA Bourque, DJ Burdige Journal of Sedimentary Research 77 (7), 552-563, 2007 | 60 | 2007 |
Facies of Liassic sponge mounds, Central High Atlas, Morocco F Neuweiler, M Mehdi, M Wilmsen Facies 44, 243-264, 2001 | 56 | 2001 |
Epifluorescence-microscopy of selected automicrites from lower Carnian Cipit-boulders of the Cassian formation (Seeland Alpe, Dolomites) F Neuweiler, J Reitner Facies 32, 26-28, 1995 | 54 | 1995 |
Soluble humic substances from in situ precipitated microcrystalline calcium carbonate, internal sediment, and spar cement in a Cretaceous carbonate mud-mound F Neuweiler, M Rutsch, G Geipel, A Reimer, KH Heise Geology 28 (9), 851-854, 2000 | 52 | 2000 |
Fulvic acid–like organic compounds control nucleation of marine calcite under suboxic conditions F Neuweiler, V d'Orazio, A Immenhauser, G Geipel, KH Heise, C Cocozza, ... Geology 31 (8), 681-684, 2003 | 50 | 2003 |
Why is stromatactis so rare in Mesozoic carbonate mud mounds? F Neuweiler, PA Bourque, F Boulvain Terra Nova 13 (5), 338-346, 2001 | 47 | 2001 |
Cenomanian/Turonian sponge microbialite deep-water hardground community (Liencres, Northern Spain) J Reitner, M Wilmsen, F Neuweiler Facies 32, 203-212, 1995 | 45 | 1995 |
Karbonatbänke mit Lithocodium aggregatum ELLIOTT/Bacinella irregularis RADOICIC. Paläobathymetrie, Paläoökologie und stratigraphisches Äquivalent zu thrombolithischen Mud Mounds F Neuweiler, J Reitner Berliner geowiss. Abh.(E) 3, 273-293, 1992 | 45 | 1992 |
Mesozoic (Lower Jurassic) red stromatactis limestones from the Southern Alps (Arzo, Switzerland): calcite mineral authigenesis and syneresis-type deformation F Neuweiler, D Bernoulli International Journal of Earth Sciences 94, 130-146, 2005 | 42 | 2005 |
Early Neoproterozoic origin of the metazoan clade recorded in carbonate rock texture F Neuweiler, EC Turner, DJ Burdige Geology 37 (5), 475-478, 2009 | 41 | 2009 |
Lake Thetis domal microbialites; a complex framework of calcified biofilms and organomicrites (Cervantes, Western Australia) J Reitner, J Paul, G Arp, D Hause-Reitner Global and regional controls on biogenic sedimentation 1, 85-89, 1996 | 39 | 1996 |
Early jurassic (sinemurian to toarcian) ammonites from the central high Atlas (Morocco) between Er-Rachidia and rich M Wilmsen, J Blau, C Meister, M Mehdi, F Neuweiler Revue de Paléobiologie 21 (1), 149-175, 2002 | 38 | 2002 |
Diagenetic versus biotic accretionary mechanisms of bryozoan–sponge buildups (Lower Silurian, Anticosti Island, Canada) A Desrochers, PA Bourque, F Neuweiler Journal of Sedimentary Research 77 (7), 564-571, 2007 | 33 | 2007 |