Shanto Roy
Shanto Roy
PhD, Computer Science, University of Houston
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Citované v
Blockchain for IoT security and management: Current prospects, challenges and future directions
S Roy, M Ashaduzzaman, M Hassan, AR Chowdhury
2018 5th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS …, 2018
A privacy-preserving mobile and fog computing framework to trace and prevent COVID-19 community transmission
M Whaiduzzaman, MR Hossain, AR Shovon, S Roy, A Laszka, R Buyya, ...
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 24 (12), 3564-3575, 2020
A review of emerging technologies for IoT-based smart cities
M Whaiduzzaman, A Barros, M Chanda, S Barman, T Sultana, ...
Sensors 22 (23), 9271, 2022
Distblacknet: A distributed secure black sdn-iot architecture with nfv implementation for smart cities
MJ Islam, M Mahin, S Roy, BC Debnath, A Khatun
2019 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication …, 2019
Towards green cloud computing an algorithmic approach for energy minimization in cloud data centers
JA Jeba, S Roy, MO Rashid, ST Atik, M Whaiduzzaman
Research anthology on architectures, frameworks, and integration strategies …, 2021
Iot data compression and optimization techniques in cloud storage: current prospects and future directions
K Hossain, M Rahman, S Roy
International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC) 9 (2), 43-59, 2019
Survey and taxonomy of adversarial reconnaissance techniques
S Roy, N Sharmin, JC Acosta, C Kiekintveld, A Laszka
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (6), 1-38, 2022
A scheduling-based dynamic fog computing framework for augmenting resource utilization
MR Hossain, M Whaiduzzaman, A Barros, SR Tuly, MJN Mahi, S Roy, ...
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 111, 102336, 2021
An identity-based encryption scheme for data security in fog computing
N Farjana, S Roy, MJN Mahi, M Whaiduzzaman
Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence …, 2020
Vehicle registration and information management using blockchain based distributed ledger from bangladesh perspective
MP Hossain, M Khaled, SA Saju, S Roy, M Biswas
2020 IEEE Region 10, 0
IoLT: an IOT based collaborative blended learning platform in higher education
MS Satu, S Roy, F Akhter, M Whaiduzzaman
2018 International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and technology …, 2018
A lightweight multi-tier S-MQTT framework to secure communication between low-end IoT nodes
A Rahman, S Roy, MS Kaiser, MS Islam
2018 5th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS …, 2018
Combined approach of tokenization and mining to secure and optimize big data in cloud storage
S Roy, AR Shovon, M Whaiduzzaman
2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 83-88, 2017
Sok: The mitre att&ck framework in research and practice
S Roy, E Panaousis, C Noakes, A Laszka, S Panda, G Loukas
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.07411, 2023
A data compression and storage optimization framework for iot sensor data in cloud storage
K Hossain, S Roy
2018 21st International Conference of Computer and Information Technology …, 2018
A RESTful E-Governance Application Framework for People Identity Verification in Cloud
AR Shovon, S Roy, T Sharma, M Whaiduzzaman
Cloud Computing – CLOUD 2018, 10967, 281-294, 2018
A comprehensive data security and forensic investigation framework for cloud-iot ecosystem
MJ Islam, M Mahin, A Khatun, S Roy, S Kabir, BC Debnath
GUB J. Sci. Eng 4 (1), 1-12, 2019
Low cost rf based online patient monitoring using web and mobile applications
S Roy, A Rahman, M Helal, MS Kaiser, ZI Chowdhury
2016 5th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision …, 2016
HIBAF: A data security scheme for fog computing
M Whaiduzzaman, N Farjana, A Barros, MJN Mahi, MS Satu, S Roy, ...
Journal of High Speed Networks 27 (4), 381-402, 2021
Smart contract development from the perspective of developers: Topics and issues discussed on social media
A Ayman, S Roy, A Alipour, A Laszka
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: FC 2020 International Workshops …, 2020
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