Dirk van Apeldoorn
Dirk van Apeldoorn
Farming System Ecology, Wageningen University
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Lessons from temporal and spatial patterns in global use of N and P fertilizer on cropland
AF Bouwman, AHW Beusen, L Lassaletta, DF Van Apeldoorn, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 40366, 2017
Niches and networks: Explaining network evolution through niche formation processes
F Hermans, D Van Apeldoorn, M Stuiver, K Kok
Research Policy 42 (3), 613-623, 2013
Ecological intensification: local innovation to address global challenges
P Tittonell, L Klerkx, F Baudron, GF Félix, A Ruggia, D Van Apeldoorn, ...
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews: Volume 19, 1-34, 2016
Panarchy rules: rethinking resilience of agroecosystems, evidence from Dutch dairy-farming
DF Van Apeldoorn, K Kok, MPW Sonneveld, T Veldkamp
Ecology and society 16 (1), 2011
Phosphorus in agricultural soils: drivers of its distribution at the global scale
B Ringeval, L Augusto, H Monod, D Van Apeldoorn, L Bouwman, X Yang, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (8), 3418-3432, 2017
Breeding beyond monoculture: Putting the “intercrop” into crops
PM Bourke, JB Evers, P Bijma, DF van Apeldoorn, MJM Smulders, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 734167, 2021
Feasibility of unmanned aerial vehicle optical imagery for early detection and severity assessment of late blight in potato
MHD Franceschini, H Bartholomeus, DF Van Apeldoorn, J Suomalainen, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (3), 224, 2019
Current research on the ecosystem service potential of legume inclusive cropping systems in Europe. A review
L Ditzler, DF van Apeldoorn, F Pellegrini, D Antichi, P Bàrberi, ...
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 41, 1-13, 2021
Intercomparison of unmanned aerial vehicle and ground-based narrow band spectrometers applied to crop trait monitoring in organic potato production
MH Domingues Franceschini, H Bartholomeus, D Van Apeldoorn, ...
Sensors 17 (6), 1428, 2017
Future sustainability and images
PJ Beers, A Veldkamp, F Hermans, D van Apeldoorn, JM Vervoort, K Kok
Futures 42 (7), 723-732, 2010
Redefining the field to mobilize three-dimensional diversity and ecosystem services on the arable farm
L Ditzler, DF Van Apeldoorn, RPO Schulte, P Tittonell, WAH Rossing
European Journal of Agronomy 122, 126197, 2021
Spatiotemporal dynamics of soil phosphorus and crop uptake in global cropland during the 20th century
J Zhang, AHW Beusen, DF Van Apeldoorn, JM Mogollón, C Yu, ...
Biogeosciences 14 (8), 2055-2068, 2017
Spatial and genetic crop diversity support ecosystem service delivery: A case of yield and biocontrol in Dutch organic cabbage production
SD Juventia, WAH Rossing, L Ditzler, DF van Apeldoorn
Field Crops Research 261, 108015, 2021
Spatio-temporal design of strip cropping systems
SD Juventia, ILMS Norén, DF Van Apeldoorn, L Ditzler, WAH Rossing
Agricultural Systems 201, 103455, 2022
Landscape asymmetry of soil organic matter as a source of agro-ecosystem resilience
DF Van Apeldoorn, MPW Sonneveld, K Kok
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 140 (3-4), 401-410, 2011
Ittersum van, MK, 2017. Lessons from temporal and spatial patterns in global use of N and P fertilizer on cropland
AF Bouwman, AHW Beusen, L Lassaletta, DF Van Apeldoorn, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-11, 0
Co-evolution of landscape patterns and agricultural intensification: an example of dairy farming in a traditional Dutch landscape
DF Van Apeldoorn, B Kempen, MPW Sonneveld, K Kok
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 172, 16-23, 2013
Lessons from temporal and spatial patterns in global use of N and P fertilizer on cropland. Sci Rep 7: 40366
AF Bouwman, AHW Beusen, L Lassaletta, DF Van Apeldoorn, ...
Assessing changes in potato canopy caused by late blight in organic production systems through UAV-based pushbroom imaging spectrometer
MHD Franceschini, H Bartholomeus, D Van Apeldoorn, J Suomalainen, ...
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2017
The Mediterranean region as a paradigm of the global decoupling of N and P between soils and freshwaters
E Romero, W Ludwig, M Sadaoui, L Lassaletta, AF Bouwman, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 35 (3), e2020GB006874, 2021
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