George  P. Alexiou
George P. Alexiou
Professor of Computer Eng, Universtity of Patras, Greece
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Citované v
Citované v
Design of two-dimensional zero phase FIR fan filters via the McClellan transform
EZ Psarakis, VG Mertzios, GP Alexiou
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 37 (1), 10-16, 1990
Target localization utilizing the success rate in infrared pattern recognition
N Petrellis, N Konofaos, GP Alexiou
IEEE Sensors Journal 6 (5), 1355-1364, 2006
Optimal synthesis of differential cascode voltage switch (DCVS) logic circuits using ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs)
T Karoubalis, GP Alexiou, N Kanopoulos
Proceedings of EURO-DAC. European Design Automation Conference, 282-287, 1995
A new serial/parallel two's complement multiplier for VLSI digital signal processing
GP Alexiou, N Kanopoulos
International journal of circuit theory and applications 20 (2), 209-214, 1992
A core generator for arithmetic cores and testing structures with a network interface
D Bakalis, KD Adaos, D Lymperopoulos, M Bellos, HT Vergos, GP Alexiou, ...
Journal of Systems Architecture 52 (1), 1-12, 2006
Estimation of a target position based on infrared pattern reception quality
N Petrellis, N Konofaos, GP Alexiou
IETE Technical Review 27 (1), 36-45, 2010
Using future position restriction rules for stabilizing the results of a noise-sensitive indoor localization system
N Petrellis, N Konofaos, GP Alexiou
Optical Engineering 46 (6), 067202-067202-11, 2007
Multiprocessor vision system
NG Bourbakis, M Papazoglou, G Alexiou
Microprocessors and Microsystems 14 (9), 573-582, 0
Utilizing infrared pattern recognition features for indoor localization validated by future position restrictions
N Petrellis, N Konofaos, G Alexiou
2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 06), v1 …, 2006
A new efficient dcvs circuit synthesis technique used for an improved implementation of a serial/parallel multiplier
T Karoubalis, K Adaos, GP Alexiou, N Kanopoulos
International journal of circuit theory and applications 23 (6), 587-598, 1995
Multi field SRAM access via intra-encoders and crossbar addressing scheme
T Simopoulos, L Spyridopoulos, GP Alexiou, N Konofaos
2017 6th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems …, 2017
Implementation of a 256x8 Sector Size SRAM grid with memory write speedup on CeidMem library
T Simopoulos, T Haniotakis, GP Alexiou
2016 5th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems …, 2016
Crossbar sector addressing scheme on SRAMs
L Spyridopoulos, N Konofaos, T Simopoulos, GP Alexiou
2017 Panhellenic Conference on Electronics and Telecommunications (PACET), 1-4, 2017
Low Power Built‐In Self‐Test Schemes for Array and Booth Multipliers
D Bakalist, X Kavousianos, HT Vergos, D Nikolos, GP Alexiou
VLSI Design 12 (3), 431-448, 2001
Efficient methods for preprocessing Greek Letters
NG Bourbakis, P Pintelas, G Alexiou, S Zeinis
Digital Techniques, Elsevier Sc, Pub, 229-234, 1985
Technical Program Committees
HH Li, S Heinrich-Barna, M Fujita, SH Huang, FP Hessel, GP Alexiou, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2723, 011001, 2024
Implementation Guidelines of WDSRAM and Comparison with Typical SRAM Using Nanoscale Hierarchical Implementation Model
T Simopoulos, GP Alexiou, T Haniotakis
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 28 (supp01), 1940008, 2019
Rapid Static Memory Read-Write for Energy-Aware Applications
T Simopoulos, T Haniotakis, GP Alexiou, N Sklavos
High-Speed and Lower Power Technologies, 253-268, 2018
A 1Kx32 bit WDSRAM page with rapid write access
T Simopoulos, T Haniotakis, GP Alexiou
2018 13th International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated …, 2018
Welcome to ISQED 2010
K Gadepally, L Immaneni, P Chatterjee, G Alexiou, A Iranmanesh
2010 11th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), iii-iii, 2010
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