Norbert Frank
Norbert Frank
Heidelberg University, Institute of Environmental Physics and Institute for Geosciences
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Strong and deep Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last glacial cycle
E Böhm, J Lippold, M Gutjahr, M Frank, P Blaser, B Antz, J Fohlmeister, ...
Nature 517 (7532), 73-76, 2015
Speleothem-based paleoclimate record from northern Oman
SJ Burns, A Matter, N Frank, A Mangini
Geology 26 (6), 499-502, 1998
Sediment sources and East Asian monsoon intensity over the last 450 ky. Mineralogical and geochemical investigations on South China Sea sediments
S Boulay, C Colin, A Trentesaux, N Frank, Z Liu
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228 (3-4), 260-277, 2005
Evolution of weathering patterns in the Indo‐Burman Ranges over the last 280 kyr: Effects of sediment provenance on 87Sr/86Sr ratios tracer
C Colin, L Turpin, D Blamart, N Frank, C Kissel, S Duchamp
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7 (3), 2006
Rapid and accurate U–Th dating of ancient carbonates using inductively coupled plasma-quadrupole mass spectrometry
E Douville, E Sallé, N Frank, M Eisele, E Pons-Branchu, S Ayrault
Chemical Geology 272 (1-4), 1-11, 2010
The geochemistry of deep-sea coral skeletons: a review of vital effects and applications for palaeoceanography
LF Robinson, JF Adkins, N Frank, AC Gagnon, NG Prouty, EB Roark, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 99, 184-198, 2014
Start of the last interglacial period at 135 ka: evidence from a high Alpine speleothem
C Spötl, A Mangini, N Frank, R Eichstädter, SJ Burns
Geology 30 (9), 815-818, 2002
Biological and physical controls in the Southern Ocean on past millennial-scale atmospheric CO2 changes
J Gottschalk, LC Skinner, J Lippold, H Vogel, N Frank, SL Jaccard, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11539, 2016
Li/Mg systematics in scleractinian corals: Calibration of the thermometer
P Montagna, M McCulloch, E Douville, ML Correa, J Trotter, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 132, 288-310, 2014
Warm period growth of travertine during the last interglaciation in southern Germany
N Frank, M Braum, U Hambach, A Mangini, G Wagner
Quaternary Research 54 (1), 38-48, 2000
Late Quaternary climatic control on erosion and weathering in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Mekong Basin
Z Liu, C Colin, A Trentesaux, G Siani, N Frank, D Blamart, S Farid
Quaternary Research 63 (3), 316-328, 2005
GEOTRACES intercalibration of neodymium isotopes and rare earth element concentrations in seawater and suspended particles. Part 1: reproducibility of results for the …
T Van De Flierdt, K Pahnke, H Amakawa, P Andersson, C Basak, B Coles, ...
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 10 (4), 234-251, 2012
Eastern North Atlantic deep-sea corals: tracing upper intermediate water Δ14C during the Holocene
N Frank, M Paterne, L Ayliffe, T van Weering, JP Henriet, D Blamart
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 219 (3-4), 297-309, 2004
Synchronous and proportional deglacial changes in Atlantic meridional overturning and northeast Brazilian precipitation
S Mulitza, CM Chiessi, E Schefuß, J Lippold, D Wichmann, B Antz, ...
Paleoceanography 32 (6), 622-633, 2017
The large-scale evolution of neodymium isotopic composition in the global modern and Holocene ocean revealed from seawater and archive data
K Tachikawa, T Arsouze, G Bayon, A Bory, C Colin, JC Dutay, N Frank, ...
Chemical Geology 457, 131-148, 2017
Carbonate mounds in a mud volcano province off north-west Morocco: key to processes and controls
A Foubert, D Depreiter, T Beck, L Maignien, B Pannemans, N Frank, ...
Marine Geology 248 (1-2), 74-96, 2008
Northeastern Atlantic cold-water coral reefs and climate
N Frank, A Freiwald, ML Correa, C Wienberg, M Eisele, D Hebbeln, ...
Geology 39 (8), 743-746, 2011
Glacial cold-water coral growth in the Gulf of Cádiz: Implications of increased palaeo-productivity
C Wienberg, N Frank, KN Mertens, JB Stuut, M Marchant, J Fietzke, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 298 (3-4), 405-416, 2010
Diagenetic formation of gypsum and dolomite in a cold‐water coral mound in the Porcupine Seabight, off Ireland
H Pirlet, LM Wehrmann, B Brunner, N Frank, JAN Dewanckele, ...
Sedimentology 57 (3), 786-805, 2010
Neodymium isotopic composition of deep-sea corals from the NE Atlantic: implications for past hydrological changes during the Holocene
C Colin, N Frank, K Copard, E Douville
Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (19-20), 2509-2517, 2010
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