Mark H. Carpenter
Mark H. Carpenter
Sr. Research Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center
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Citované v
Additive Runge-Kutta Schemes for Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations
CAKMH Carpenter
Applied Numerical Mathematics 44, 139-181, 2003
Additive Runge-Kutta Schemes for Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations
CAKMH Carpenter
NASA TM-2001-211038, 2001
Time-stable boundary conditions for finite-difference schemes solving hyperbolic systems: methodology and application to high-order compact schemes
MH Carpenter, D Gottlieb, S Abarbanel
Journal of Computational Physics 111 (2), 220-236, 1994
Fourth-order 2N-storage Runge-Kutta schemes
MH Carpenter, CA Kennedy
Low-storage, explicit Runge–Kutta schemes for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations
CA Kennedy, MH Carpenter, RM Lewis
Applied numerical mathematics 35 (3), 177-219, 2000
Several new numerical methods for compressible shear-layer simulations
CA Kennedy, MH Carpenter
Applied Numerical Mathematics 14 (4), 397-433, 1994
The stability of numerical boundary treatments for compact high-order finite-difference schemes
MH Carpenter, D Gottlieb, S Abarbanel
Journal of Computational Physics 108 (2), 272-295, 1993
A stable and conservative interface treatment of arbitrary spatial accuracy
MH Carpenter, J Nordström, D Gottlieb
Journal of Computational Physics 148 (2), 341-365, 1999
High-order entropy stable finite difference schemes for nonlinear conservation laws: Finite domains
TC Fisher, MH Carpenter
Journal of Computational Physics 252, 518-557, 2013
Entropy stable spectral collocation schemes for the Navier--Stokes equations: Discontinuous interfaces
MH Carpenter, TC Fisher, EJ Nielsen, SH Frankel
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (5), B835-B867, 2014
A stable high-order finite difference scheme for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations, far-field boundary conditions
M Svärd, MH Carpenter, J Nordström
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (1), 1020-1038, 2007
Implicit time integration schemes for the unsteady compressible Navier–Stokes equations: laminar flow
H Bijl, MH Carpenter, VN Vatsa, CA Kennedy
Journal of Computational Physics 179 (1), 313-329, 2002
A systematic methodology for constructing high-order energy stable WENO schemes
NK Yamaleev, MH Carpenter
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (11), 4248-4272, 2009
The theoretical accuracy of Runge–Kutta time discretizations for the initial boundary value problem: a study of the boundary error
MH Carpenter, D Gottlieb, S Abarbanel, WS Don
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 16 (6), 1241-1252, 1995
Boundary and interface conditions for high-order finite-difference methods applied to the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations
J Nordström, MH Carpenter
Journal of Computational Physics 148 (2), 621-645, 1999
Discretely conservative finite-difference formulations for nonlinear conservation laws in split form: Theory and boundary conditions
TC Fisher, MH Carpenter, J Nordström, NK Yamaleev, C Swanson
Journal of Computational Physics 234, 353-375, 2013
Application of implicit–explicit high order Runge–Kutta methods to discontinuous-Galerkin schemes
A Kanevsky, MH Carpenter, D Gottlieb, JS Hesthaven
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (2), 1753-1781, 2007
High-order finite difference methods, multidimensional linear problems, and curvilinear coordinates
J Nordström, MH Carpenter
Journal of Computational Physics 173 (1), 149-174, 2001
Third-order energy stable WENO scheme
NK Yamaleev, MH Carpenter
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (8), 3025-3047, 2009
Spectral Methods on Arbitrary Grids
MH Carpenter, D Gottlieb
Journal of Computational Physics 129, 74-86, 1996
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