Články s príkazom na verejný prístup - Dustin WoodĎalšie informácie
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Integrating personality structure, personality process, and personality development
A Baumert, M Schmitt, M Perugini, W Johnson, G Blum, P Borkenau, ...
European Journal of Personality 31 (5), 503-528, 2017
Príkazy: German Research Foundation
What do conscientious people do? Development and validation of the Behavioral Indicators of Conscientiousness (BIC)
JJ Jackson, D Wood, T Bogg, KE Walton, PD Harms, BW Roberts
Journal of research in personality 44 (4), 501-511, 2010
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Lay theory of race affects and moderates Asian Americans' responses toward American culture.
S No, Y Hong, HY Liao, K Lee, D Wood, MM Chao
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 95 (4), 991, 2008
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Not all conscientiousness scales change alike: a multimethod, multisample study of age differences in the facets of conscientiousness.
JJ Jackson, T Bogg, KE Walton, D Wood, PD Harms, J Lodi-Smith, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (2), 446, 2009
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
A three–part framework for self–regulated personality development across adulthood
M Hennecke, W Bleidorn, JJA Denissen, D Wood
European Journal of Personality 28 (3), 289-299, 2014
Príkazy: German Research Foundation
Mechanisms of health: Education and health-related behaviours partially mediate the relationship between conscientiousness and self-reported physical health
J Lodi-Smith, J Jackson, T Bogg, K Walton, D Wood, P Harms, ...
Psychology and Health 25 (3), 305-319, 2010
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
The correlates of similarity estimates are often misleadingly positive: The nature and scope of the problem, and some solutions
D Wood, RM Furr
Personality and Social Psychology Review 20 (2), 79-99, 2016
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
On the similarity between exchangeable profiles: A psychometric model, analytic strategy, and empirical illustration
RM Furr, D Wood
Journal of research in personality 47 (3), 233-247, 2013
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Using retest-adjusted correlations as indicators of the semantic similarity of items.
D Wood, GH Lowman, BF Armstrong III, PD Harms
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 125 (2), 437, 2023
Príkazy: US National Science Foundation
Using field models and elaborated situational judgment tests to represent situational effects on psychological processes and behavior
D Wood, GH Lowman, PD Harms
Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology 3, 100068, 2022
Príkazy: US National Science Foundation
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