Matthew D. Yates
Matthew D. Yates
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Extracellular DNA promotes efficient extracellular electron transfer by pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms
SH Saunders, CM Edmund, MD Yates, FJ Otero, SA Trammell, ...
Cell 182 (4), 919-932. e19, 2020
Convergent development of anodic bacterial communities in microbial fuel cells
MD Yates, PD Kiely, DF Call, H Rismani-Yazdi, K Bibby, J Peccia, ...
The ISME journal 6 (11), 2002-2013, 2012
Microbial community composition is unaffected by anode potential
X Zhu, MD Yates, MC Hatzell, H Ananda Rao, PE Saikaly, BE Logan
Environmental science & technology 48 (2), 1352-1358, 2014
Methanobacterium Dominates Biocathodic Archaeal Communities in Methanogenic Microbial Electrolysis Cells
M Siegert, MD Yates, AM Spormann, BE Logan
ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering 3 (7), 1668-1676, 2015
Comparison of nonprecious metal cathode materials for methane production by electromethanogenesis
M Siegert, MD Yates, DF Call, X Zhu, A Spormann, BE Logan
ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering 2 (4), 910-917, 2014
The presence of hydrogenotrophic methanogens in the inoculum improves methane gas production in microbial electrolysis cells
M Siegert, XF Li, MD Yates, BE Logan
Frontiers in microbiology 5, 778, 2015
Anodic biofilms in microbial fuel cells harbor low numbers of higher-power-producing bacteria than abundant genera
PD Kiely, DF Call, MD Yates, JM Regan, BE Logan
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 88, 371-380, 2010
Examination of microbial fuel cell start-up times with domestic wastewater and additional amendments
G Liu, MD Yates, S Cheng, DF Call, D Sun, BE Logan
Bioresource technology 102 (15), 7301-7306, 2011
Extracellular palladium nanoparticle production using Geobacter sulfurreducens
MD Yates, RD Cusick, BE Logan
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 1 (9), 1165-1171, 2013
Thermally activated long range electron transport in living biofilms
MD Yates, JP Golden, J Roy, SM Strycharz-Glaven, S Tsoi, JS Erickson, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (48), 32564-32570, 2015
Set potential regulation reveals additional oxidation peaks of Geobacter sulfurreducens anodic biofilms
X Zhu, MD Yates, BE Logan
Electrochemistry Communications 22, 116-119, 2012
Geobacter anodireducens sp. nov., an exoelectrogenic microbe in bioelectrochemical systems
D Sun, A Wang, S Cheng, M Yates, BE Logan
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 64 (Pt_10 …, 2014
Measuring conductivity of living Geobacter sulfurreducens biofilms
MD Yates, SM Strycharz-Glaven, JP Golden, J Roy, S Tsoi, JS Erickson, ...
Nature nanotechnology 11 (11), 910-913, 2016
Toward understanding long-distance extracellular electron transport in an electroautotrophic microbial community
MD Yates, BJ Eddie, NJ Kotloski, N Lebedev, AP Malanoski, B Lin, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 9 (11), 3544-3558, 2016
Hydrogen evolution catalyzed by viable and non-viable cells on biocathodes
MD Yates, M Siegert, BE Logan
international journal of hydrogen energy 39 (30), 16841-16851, 2014
Examination of protein degradation in continuous flow, microbial electrolysis cells treating fermentation wastewater
JY Nam, MD Yates, Z Zaybak, BE Logan
Bioresource technology 171, 182-186, 2014
Biofilm as a redox conductor: a systematic study of the moisture and temperature dependence of its electrical properties
H Phan, MD Yates, ND Kirchhofer, GC Bazan, LM Tender, TQ Nguyen
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (27), 17815-17821, 2016
Engineered living conductive biofilms as functional materials
LJ Bird, EL Onderko, DA Phillips, RL Mickol, AP Malanoski, MD Yates, ...
MRS Communications 9 (2), 505-517, 2019
Microbial electrochemical energy storage and recovery in a combined electrotrophic and electrogenic biofilm
MD Yates, L Ma, J Sack, JP Golden, SM Strycharz-Glaven, SR Yates, ...
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 4 (9), 374-379, 2017
Alamethicin suppresses methanogenesis and promotes acetogenesis in bioelectrochemical systems
X Zhu, M Siegert, MD Yates, BE Logan
Applied and environmental microbiology 81 (11), 3863-3868, 2015
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