Dieter Franke
Dieter Franke
BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
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Rifting, lithosphere breakup and volcanism: Comparison of magma-poor and volcanic rifted margins
D Franke
Marine and Petroleum geology 43, 63-87, 2013
The final rifting evolution in the South China Sea
D Franke, D Savva, M Pubellier, S Steuer, B Mouly, JL Auxietre, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 58, 704-720, 2014
Evolution of the South China Sea: Revised ages for breakup and seafloor spreading
U Barckhausen, M Engels, D Franke, S Ladage, M Pubellier
Marine and Petroleum Geology 58, 599-611, 2014
Margin segmentation and volcano-tectonic architecture along the volcanic margin off Argentina/Uruguay, South Atlantic
D Franke, S Neben, S Ladage, B Schreckenberger, K Hinz
Marine Geology 244 (1-4), 46-67, 2007
Seismic stratigraphy of the central South China Sea basin and implications for neotectonics
CF Li, J Li, W Ding, D Franke, Y Yao, H Shi, X Pang, Y Cao, J Lin, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (3), 1377-1399, 2015
The continent-ocean transition at the southeastern margin of the South China Sea
D Franke, U Barckhausen, N Baristeas, M Engels, S Ladage, R Lutz, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 28 (6), 1187-1204, 2011
Different expressions of rifting on the South China Sea margins
D Savva, M Pubellier, D Franke, N Chamot-Rooke, F Meresse, S Steuer, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 58, 579-598, 2014
The Laptev sea rift
D Franke, K Hinz, O Oncken
Marine and Petroleum Geology 18 (10), 1083-1127, 2001
Seismic stratigraphy and tectonic structure from a composite multi-channel seismic profile across the entire Dangerous Grounds, South China Sea
W Ding, D Franke, J Li, S Steuer
Tectonophysics 582, 162-176, 2013
Seismic images of a collision zone offshore NW Sabah/Borneo
D Franke, U Barckhausen, I Heyde, M Tingay, N Ramli
Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (7), 606-624, 2008
The deep-water fold-and-thrust belt offshore NW Borneo: Gravity-driven versus basement-driven shortening
S Hesse, S Back, D Franke
Geological Society of America Bulletin 121 (5-6), 939-953, 2009
A review of Pangaea dispersal and Large Igneous Provinces–In search of a causative mechanism
AL Peace, JJJ Phethean, D Franke, GR Foulger, C Schiffer, JK Welford, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 206, 102902, 2020
Structural inheritance in the North Atlantic
C Schiffer, AG Doré, GR Foulger, D Franke, L Geoffroy, L Gernigon, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 206, 102975, 2020
Oligocene–Miocene carbonates and their role for constraining the rifting and collision history of the Dangerous Grounds, South China Sea
S Steuer, D Franke, F Meresse, D Savva, M Pubellier, JL Auxietre
Marine and Petroleum Geology 58, 644-657, 2014
Seismic evidence of hyper-stretched crust and mantle exhumation offshore Vietnam
D Savva, F Meresse, M Pubellier, N Chamot-Rooke, L Lavier, KW Po, ...
Tectonophysics 608, 72-83, 2013
The offshore East African Rift System: Structural framework at the toe of a juvenile rift
D Franke, W Jokat, S Ladage, H Stollhofen, J Klimke, R Lutz, ...
Tectonics 34 (10), 2086-2104, 2015
Geology of the East Siberian Sea, Russian Arctic, from seismic images: structures, evolution, and implications for the evolution of the Arctic Ocean Basin
D Franke, K Hinz, C Reichert
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 109 (B7), 2004
Birth of a volcanic margin off Argentina, South Atlantic
D Franke, S Ladage, M Schnabel, B Schreckenberger, C Reichert, K Hinz, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 11 (2), 2010
The great Sumatra–Andaman earthquakes—imaging the boundary between the ruptures of the great 2004 and 2005 earthquakes
D Franke, M Schnabel, S Ladage, DR Tappin, S Neben, YS Djajadihardja, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 269 (1-2), 118-130, 2008
Time constraints on the evolution of southern Palawan Island, Philippines from onshore and offshore correlation of Miocene limestones
S Steuer, D Franke, F Meresse, D Savva, M Pubellier, JL Auxietre, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 76, 412-427, 2013
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