Dr. Chrysa Lamprinopoulou
Dr. Chrysa Lamprinopoulou
Science Technology Innovation Studies - The University of Edinburgh
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Citované v
Citované v
Application of an integrated systemic framework for analysing agricultural innovation systems and informing innovation policies: Comparing the Dutch and Scottish agrifood sectors
C Lamprinopoulou, A Renwick, L Klerkx, F Hermans, D Roep
Agricultural Systems 129, 40-54, 2014
Inter-firm relations in SME clusters and the link to marketing performance
C Lamprinopoulou, A , Tregear
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 26 (6), 421-429, 2011
Food system resilience: concepts, issues, and challenges
M Zurek, J Ingram, A Sanderson Bellamy, C Goold, C Lyon, P Alexander, ...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 47 (1), 511-534, 2022
Agrifood SMEs in Greece: the role of collective action
C Lamprinopoulou, A Tregear, M Ness
British Food Journal 108 (8), 663-676, 2006
Scotland's food and drink policy discussion: Sustainability issues in the food supply chain
P Leat, C Revoredo-Giha, C Lamprinopoulou
Sustainability 3 (4), 605-631, 2011
Promotion of mountain food: an explorative a study about consumers' and retailers' perception in six European countries.
A Schjøll, V Amilien, PA Tufte, C Revoredo-Giha, P Leat, B Kupiec, ...
Innovation in livestock genetic improvement
M Mofakkarul Islam, A Renwick, C Lamprinopoulou, L Klerkx
EuroChoices 12 (1), 42-47, 2013
Social networks and farming resilience
A Bruce, C Jackson, C Lamprinopoulou
Outlook on Agriculture 50 (2), 196-205, 2021
How differentiated is Scottish beef? An analysis of supermarket data
C Revoredo-Giha, C Lamprinopoulou, P Leat, B Kupiec-Teahan, L Toma, ...
Journal of Food Products Marketing 17 (2-3), 183-210, 2011
Agri-food supply chains and sustainability-related issues: evidence from across the Scottish agri-food economy
PMK Leat, C Lamprinopoulou-Kranis, C Revoredo-Giha, ...
How do SME networks evolve? Investigating Network context, features and outcomes
C Lamprinopoulou, T Angela
Academy of Marketing, 2009
A Systemic Innovation Policy Framework: The Cases of Scottish and Dutch Agrifood Innovation Systems
C Lamprinopoulou-Kranis, AW Renwick, L Klerkx, F Hermans, MM Islam, ...
Innovation and Power in Food Supply Chains: The Case of the Potato Sector in the UK
C Revoredo-Giha, PMK Leat, AW Renwick, C Lamprinopoulou-Kranis
How effectively is water quality being managed
DI McCracken
Rural Scotland in focus. Rural Policy Centre, Scottish Agricultural College …, 2010
Identifying levers for change in UK grazing livestock systems
LR Norton, A Bruce, PJ Chapman, C Lamprinopoulou, SA Rothwell, ...
Frontiers in sustainable food systems 8, 1366204, 2024
A systemic policy framework: the cases of Scottish and Dutch agrifood innovation systems–preliminary results
C Lamprinopoulou, A Renwick, L Klerkx, F Hermans, MM Islam, D Roep
131st EAAE Seminar, Prague, 2012
Promoting Mountain Quality Food Products (MQFPs)–Analysing possibilities beyond labelling policy
C Revoredo-Giha, PMK Leat, B Kupiec-Teahan, ...
A comparison of innovation in the Scottish livestock sector: the case of genetic selection techniques
FA Borthwick, AP Barnes, C Lamprinopoulou-Kranis
Dynamics of innovation in livestock genetics in Scotland: An agricultural innovation systems perspective
MM Islam, AW Renwick, C Lamprinopoulou-Kranis, L Klerkx
How Local and Seasonal is the Consumption of Soft Fruit in Scotland?
C Revoredo-Giha, PMK Leat, B Kupiec-Teahan, ...
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