Roberto Cavoretto
Roberto Cavoretto
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On the search of the shape parameter in radial basis functions using univariate global optimization methods
R Cavoretto, A De Rossi, MS Mukhametzhanov, YD Sergeyev
Journal of Global Optimization 79, 305-327, 2021
Efficient computation of partition of unity interpolants through a block-based searching technique
R Cavoretto, A De Rossi, E Perracchione
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 71 (12), 2568-2584, 2016
An introduction to the Hilbert-Schmidt SVD using iterated Brownian bridge kernels
R Cavoretto, GE Fasshauer, M McCourt
Numerical Algorithms 68, 393-422, 2015
Fast and accurate interpolation of large scattered data sets on the sphere
R Cavoretto, A De Rossi
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 234 (5), 1505-1521, 2010
Optimal selection of local approximants in RBF-PU interpolation
R Cavoretto, A De Rossi, E Perracchione
Journal of Scientific Computing 74, 1-22, 2018
A trivariate interpolation algorithm using a cube-partition searching procedure
R Cavoretto, A De Rossi
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 (4), A1891-A1908, 2015
A RBF partition of unity collocation method based on finite difference for initial–boundary value problems
G Garmanjani, R Cavoretto, M Esmaeilbeigi
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 75 (11), 4066-4090, 2018
A two-stage adaptive scheme based on RBF collocation for solving elliptic PDEs
R Cavoretto, A De Rossi
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 79 (11), 3206-3222, 2020
Adaptive radial basis function partition of unity interpolation: A bivariate algorithm for unstructured data
R Cavoretto
Journal of Scientific Computing 87 (2), 41, 2021
Spherical interpolation using the partition of unity method: an efficient and flexible algorithm
R Cavoretto, A De Rossi
Applied Mathematics Letters 25 (10), 1251-1256, 2012
Partition of unity interpolation using stable kernel-based techniques
R Cavoretto, S De Marchi, A De Rossi, E Perracchione, G Santin
Applied Numerical Mathematics 116, 95-107, 2017
Error indicators and refinement strategies for solving Poisson problems through a RBF partition of unity collocation scheme
R Cavoretto, A De Rossi
Applied Mathematics and Computation 369, 124824, 2020
A class of spline functions for landmark‐based image registration
G Allasia, R Cavoretto, A De Rossi
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 35 (8), 923-934, 2012
Adaptive meshless refinement schemes for RBF-PUM collocation
R Cavoretto, A De Rossi
Applied Mathematics Letters 90, 131-138, 2019
Robust approximation algorithms for the detection of attraction basins in dynamical systems
R Cavoretto, A De Rossi, E Perracchione, E Venturino
Journal of Scientific Computing 68, 395-415, 2016
Fast computation of triangular Shepard interpolants
R Cavoretto, A De Rossi, F Dell’Accio, F Di Tommaso
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 354, 457-470, 2019
Scattered and track data interpolation using an efficient strip searching procedure
G Allasia, R Besenghi, R Cavoretto, A De Rossi
Applied mathematics and computation 217 (12), 5949-5966, 2011
An adaptive LOOCV-based refinement scheme for RBF collocation methods over irregular domains
R Cavoretto, A De Rossi
Applied Mathematics Letters 103, 106178, 2020
Reliable approximation of separatrix manifolds in competition models with safety niches
R Cavoretto, AD Rossi, E Perracchione, E Venturino
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 92 (9), 1826-1837, 2015
A numerical algorithm for multidimensional modeling of scattered data points
R Cavoretto
Computational and Applied Mathematics 34, 65-80, 2015
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