Reiner Hartenstein
Reiner Hartenstein
University of Kaiserslautern & KIT Karlsruhe
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Citované v
Citované v
A decade of reconfigurable computing: a visionary retrospective
R Hartenstein
Proceedings design, automation and test in Europe. Conference and exhibition …, 2001
Introduction to reconfigurable computing: architectures, algorithms, and applications
C Bobda, R Hartenstein
Springer 1 (1.5), 2007
Coarse grain reconfigurable architecture (embedded tutorial)
R Hartenstein
Proceedings of the 2001 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference …, 2001
Seeking solutions in configurable computing
WH Mangione-Smith, B Hutchings, D Andrews, A DeHon, C Ebeling, ...
Computer 30 (12), 38-43, 1997
A datapath synthesis system for the reconfigurable datapath architecture
RW Hartenstein, R Kress
Proceedings of ASP-DAC'95/CHDL'95/VLSI'95 with EDA Technofair, 479-484, 1995
KressArray Xplorer: a new CAD environment to optimize Reconfigurable Datapath Array
R Hartenstein, M Herz, T Hoffmann, U Nageldinger
Proceedings of the 2000 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference …, 2000
A new FPGA architecture for word-oriented datapaths
RW Hartenstein, R Kress, H Reinig
Field-Programmable Logic Architectures, Synthesis and Applications: 4th …, 1994
Parallelization in co-compilation for configurable accelerators-a host/accelerator partitioning compilation method
J Becker, R Hartenstein, M Herz, U Nageldinger
Proceedings of 1998 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, 23-33, 1998
Configware and morphware going mainstream
J Becker, R Hartenstein
Journal of Systems Architecture 49 (4-6), 127-142, 2003
A novel ASIC design approach based on a new machine paradigm
RW Hartenstein, AG Hirschbiel, M Riedmuller, K Schmidt, M Weber
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 26 (7), 975-989, 1991
Learning spatiotemporal T-junctions for occlusion detection
N Apostoloff, A Fitzgibbon
2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2005
Using the KressArray for reconfigurable computing
R Hartenstein, M Herz, T Hoffmann, U Nageldinger
Proc. SPIE 3526, 150-161, 1998
Trends in reconfigurable logic and reconfigurable computing
R Hartenstein
9th International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems 2, 801-808, 2002
Fundamentals of structured hardware design: a design language approach at register transfer level
R Hartenstein
(No Title), 1977
Reconfigurable systems for sequence alignment and for general dynamic programming
RP Jacobi, M Ayala-Rincón, LGA Carvalho, CH Llanos, RW Hartenstein
Genetics and Molecular Research 4 (3), 543-552, 2005
A novel paradigm of parallel computation and its use to implement simple high performance hardware
RW Hartenstein, AG Hirschbiel, M Weber
International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing, 51-62, 1990
A reconfigurable data-driven ALU for Xputers
RW Hartenstein, R Kress, H Reinig
Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on FPGA's for Custom Computing Machines, 139-146, 1994
A general approach in system design integrating reconfigurable accelerators
RW Hartenstein, J Becker, M Herz, U Nageldinger
1996 Proceedings. Eighth Annual IEEE International Conference on Innovative …, 1996
Reconfigurable computing: A new business model-and its impact on SoC design
R Hartenstein
Proceedings Euromicro Symposium on Digital Systems Design, 103-110, 2001
On reconfgurable co-processing units
RW Hartenstein, M Herz, T Hoffmann, U Nageldinger
Parallel and Distributed Processing: 10 IPPS/SPDP'98 Workshops Held in …, 1998
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