Mahdi Pourfath
Mahdi Pourfath
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Modulation of electronic and mechanical properties of phosphorene through strain
M Elahi, K Khaliji, SM Tabatabaei, M Pourfath, R Asgari
Physical Review B 91 (11), 115412, 2015
High sensitive and selective flexible HS gas sensors based on Cu nanoparticle decorated SWCNTs
M Asad, MH Sheikhi, M Pourfath, M Moradi
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 210, 1-8, 2015
Highly anisotropic thermal conductivity of arsenene: An ab initio study
M Zeraati, SM Vaez Allaei, I Abdolhosseini Sarsari, M Pourfath, ...
Physical Review B 93 (8), 085424, 2016
The non-equilibrium Green's function method for nanoscale device simulation
M Pourfath
Springer, 2014
Titanium Carbide MXene as NH3 Sensor: Realistic First-Principles Study
P Khakbaz, M Moshayedi, S Hajian, M Soleimani, BB Narakathu, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (49), 29794-29803, 2019
Engineering enhanced thermoelectric properties in zigzag graphene nanoribbons
H Karamitaheri, N Neophytou, M Pourfath, R Faez, H Kosina
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (5), 2012
Strain-Induced Modulation of Electron Mobility in Single-Layer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides MX (; )
M Hosseini, M Elahi, M Pourfath, D Esseni
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 62 (10), 3192-3198, 2015
Geometrical effects on the thermoelectric properties of ballistic graphene antidot lattices
H Karamitaheri, M Pourfath, R Faez, H Kosina
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (5), 2011
A Numerical Study of Line-Edge Roughness Scattering in Graphene Nanoribbons
A Yazdanpanah, M Pourfath, M Fathipour, H Kosina, S Selberherr
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on 59 (2), 433-440, 2012
Method for predicting f carbon nanotube FETs
LC Castro, DL John, DL Pulfrey, M Pourfath, A Gehring, H Kosina
IEEE transactions on nanotechnology 4 (6), 699-704, 2005
Strain induced mobility modulation in single-layer MoS
M Hosseini, M Elahi, M Pourfath, D Esseni
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (37), 375104, 2015
A first-principles study on the effect of biaxial strain on the ultimate performance of monolayer MoS2-based double gate field effect transistor
S Mohammad Tabatabaei, M Noei, K Khaliji, M Pourfath, M Fathipour
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (16), 2013
Device performance of graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistors in the presence of line-edge roughness
AY Goharrizi, M Pourfath, M Fathipour, H Kosina
IEEE Transactions on electron devices 59 (12), 3527-3532, 2012
Performance assessment of nanoscale field-effect diodes
N Manavizadeh, F Raissi, EA Soleimani, M Pourfath, S Selberherr
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 58 (8), 2378-2384, 2011
Ferroelectricity and phase transitions in InSe van der Waals material
M Soleimani, M Pourfath
Nanoscale 12 (44), 22688-22697, 2020
A multi-purpose Schrödinger-Poisson solver for TCAD applications
M Karner, A Gehring, S Holzer, M Pourfath, M Wagner, W Goes, ...
Journal of Computational Electronics 6, 179-182, 2007
Impact of Different Ratios of Fluorine, Oxygen, and Hydroxyl Surface Terminations on TiCT MXene as Ammonia Sensor: A First-Principles Study
S Hajian, P Khakbaz, M Moshayedi, D Maddipatla, BB Narakathu, ...
2018 IEEE SENSORS, 1-4, 2018
Very large strain gauges based on single layer MoSe and WSe for sensing applications
M Hosseini, M Elahi, M Pourfath, D Esseni
Applied Physics Letters 107 (25), 253503, 2015
An analytical model for line-edge roughness limited mobility of graphene nanoribbons
AY Goharrizi, M Pourfath, M Fathipour, H Kosina, S Selberherr
IEEE transactions on electron devices 58 (11), 3725-3735, 2011
A comparative study of tunneling FETs based on graphene and GNR heterostructures
N Ghobadi, M Pourfath
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 61 (1), 186-192, 2013
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