Dr. Anirban Roy
Dr. Anirban Roy
Principal Scientist, IARI, Pusa, New Delhi, INDIA
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Citované v
Evaluation of genetic diversity in jute (Corchorus species) using STMS, ISSR and RAPD markers
A Roy, A Bandyopadhyay, AK Mahapatra, SK Ghosh, NK Singh, ...
Plant breeding 125 (3), 292-297, 2006
An improved method of DNA isolation suitable for PCR-based detection of begomoviruses from jute and other mucilaginous plants
R Ghosh, S Paul, SK Ghosh, A Roy
Journal of Virological Methods 159 (1), 34-39, 2009
Begomoviruses and Their Satellites Occurring in India: Distribution, Diversity and Pathogenesis.
BM V.G. Malathi, P. Renukadevi, S. Chakraborty, K.K. Biswas, Anirban Roy, P ...
A Century of Plant Virology in India, 75-177, 2017
Multiplexed editing of a begomovirus genome restricts escape mutant formation and disease development
A Roy, Y Zhai, J Ortiz, M Neff, B Mandal, SK Mukherjee, HR Pappu
PloS one 14 (10), e0223765, 2019
Yellow Mosaic Disease (YMD) of Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek): Current Status and Management Opportunities
GP Mishra, HK Dikshit, R Sv, K Tripathi, RR Kumar, M Aski, A Singh, ...
Frontiers in plant science 11, 918, 2020
Evaluation of an Indian collection of black gram germplasm and identification of resistance sources to mungbean yellow mosaic virus
MK Bag, NK Gautam, TV Prasad, S Pandey, M Dutta, A Roy
Crop Protection 61, 92-101, 2014
Evaluation of 19,460 wheat accessions conserved in the Indian national genebank to identify new sources of resistance to rust and spot blotch diseases
S Kumar, S Archak, RK Tyagi, J Kumar, V Vk, SR Jacob, K Srinivasan, ...
PLoS One 11 (12), e0167702, 2016
Comparative RNA-Seq analysis unfolds a complex regulatory network imparting yellow mosaic disease resistance in mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek]
U Dasgupta, GP Mishra, HK Dikshit, DC Mishra, T Bosamia, A Roy, ...
Plos one 16 (1), e0244593, 2021
Distribution, epidemiology and molecular variability of the begomovirus complexes associated with yellow vein mosaic disease of mesta in India
A Roy, S Acharyya, S Das, R Ghosh, S Paul, RK Srivastava, SK Ghosh
Virus research 141 (2), 237-246, 2009
Occurrence of a Begomovirus with yellow vein mosaic disease of mesta (Hibiscus cannabinus and Hibiscus sabdariffa)
A Chatterjee, A Roy, KV Padmalatha, VG Malathi, SK Ghosh
Australasian Plant Pathology 34, 609-610, 2005
Diversity analysis and evaluation of wild Abelmoschus species for agro-morphological traits and major biotic stresses under the north western agro-climatic …
KK Gangopadhyay, A Singh, MK Bag, P Ranjan, TV Prasad, A Roy, ...
Genetic resources and crop evolution 64, 775-790, 2017
Variability in mineral composition of Indian eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) genotypes
AR M. Arivalagan, K.K. Gangopadhyay, Gunjeet Kumar
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2012
Diseases of bast fibre crops and their management
Roy A, De RK and Ghosh SK
Central Res Inst for Jute and Allied Fibres, 2008
Sequence variability and phylogenetic relationship of betasatellite isolates associated with yellow vein mosaic disease of mesta in India
S Das, A Roy, R Ghosh, S Paul, S Acharyya, SK Ghosh
Virus Genes 37, 414-424, 2008
Evaluation of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) germplasm for agronomic traits and disease resistance and estimation of genetic variability
P Ranjan, KK Gangopadhyay, MK Bag, A Roy, R Srivastava, R Bhardwaj, ...
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 85 (2), 234-239, 2015
Molecular evidence for existence of a New World begomovirus associated with yellow mosaic disease ofCorchorus capsularis in India
R Ghosh, S Paul, S Das, P Palit, S Acharyya, A Das, JI Mir, SK Ghosh, ...
Australasian Plant Disease Notes 3 (1), 59-62, 2008
Adaptation to new hosts shown by the cloned components of Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus causing cowpea golden mosaic in northern India
VG Malathi, B Surendranath, A Naghma, A Roy
Canadian journal of plant pathology 27 (3), 439-447, 2005
Molecular diversity of Bipolaris oryzae infecting Oryza sativa in India
A Kandan, J Akhtar, B Singh, D Dixit, D Chand, A Roy, S Rajkumar, ...
Phytoparasitica 43, 5-14, 2015
Occurrence of Begomovirus Associated with Yellow Vein Mosaic Disease of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) in Northern India
R Ghosh, S Paul, A Roy, JI Mir, SK Ghosh, RK Srivastava, US Yadav
Plant health progress 8 (1), 21, 2007
Dynamics of Defense-Related Components in Two Contrasting Genotypes of Tomato Upon Infection with Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus
PP Sahu, NK Rai, S Puranik, A Roy, M Khan, M Prasad
Molecular Biotechnology, 1-11, 2012
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