Taku Kadoya
Taku Kadoya
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Oilseed rape crops distort plant–pollinator interactions
T Diekötter, T Kadoya, F Peter, V Wolters, F Jauker
Journal of Applied ecology 47 (1), 209-214, 2010
Dragonfly species richness on man-made ponds: effects of pond size and pond age on newly established assemblages
T Kadoya, S Suda, I Washitani
Ecological Research 19, 461-467, 2004
Global legume diversity assessment: concepts, key indicators, and strategies
T Yahara, F Javadi, Y Onoda, LP de Queiroz, DP Faith, DE Prado, ...
Taxon 62 (2), 249-266, 2013
The Satoyama Index: A biodiversity indicator for agricultural landscapes
T Kadoya, I Washitani
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 140 (1-2), 20-26, 2011
Assessing functional connectivity using empirical data
T Kadoya
Population ecology 51, 5-15, 2009
Using monitoring data gathered by volunteers to predict the potential distribution of the invasive alien bumblebee Bombus terrestris
T Kadoya, HS Ishii, R Kikuchi, S Suda, I Washitani
Biological Conservation 142 (5), 1011-1017, 2009
Dragonfly crisis in Japan: a likely consequence of recent agricultural habitat degradation
T Kadoya, S Suda, I Washitani
Biological Conservation 142 (9), 1899-1905, 2009
Bottom‐up linkages between primary production, zooplankton, and fish in a shallow, hypereutrophic lake
SS Matsuzaki, K Suzuki, T Kadoya, M Nakagawa, N Takamura
Ecology 99 (9), 2025-2036, 2018
Current site planning of medium to large solar power systems accelerates the loss of the remaining semi-natural and agricultural habitats
JY Kim, D Koide, F Ishihama, T Kadoya, J Nishihiro
Science of the Total Environment 779, 146475, 2021
Climate and local environment structure asynchrony and the stability of primary production in grasslands
B Gilbert, AS MacDougall, T Kadoya, M Akasaka, JR Bennett, EM Lind, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (7), 1177-1188, 2020
The sensitivity of dragonflies to landscape structure differs between life-history groups
T Kadoya, S Suda, Y Tsubaki, I Washitani
Landscape Ecology 23, 149-158, 2008
Habitat and flower resource partitioning by an exotic and three native bumble bees in central Hokkaido, Japan
HS Ishii, T Kadoya, R Kikuchi, SI Suda, I Washitani
Biological conservation 141 (10), 2597-2607, 2008
Consumer trophic positions respond variably to seasonally fluctuating environments
BC McMeans, T Kadoya, TK Pool, GW Holtgrieve, S Lek, H Kong, ...
Ecology 100 (2), e02570, 2019
IsoWeb: a Bayesian isotope mixing model for diet analysis of the whole food web
T Kadoya, Y Osada, G Takimoto
Public Library of Science 7 (7), e41057, 2012
Direct and indirect effects of noise pollution alter biological communities in and near noise-exposed environments
M Senzaki, T Kadoya, CD Francis
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1923), 20200176, 2020
A proposal of framework to obtain an integrated biodiversity indicator for agricultural ponds incorporating the simultaneous effects of multiple pressures
T Kadoya, M Akasaka, T Aoki, N Takamura
Ecological Indicators 11 (5), 1396-1402, 2011
Predicting the rate of range expansion of an invasive alien bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) using a stochastic spatio-temporal model
T Kadoya, I Washitani
Biological Conservation 143 (5), 1228-1235, 2010
Trends and stability of inland fishery resources in Japanese lakes: introduction of exotic piscivores as a driver
SS Matsuzaki, T Kadoya
Ecological Applications 25 (5), 1420-1432, 2015
Hydrological effects of paddy improvement and abandonment on amphibian populations; long-term trends of the Japanese brown frog, Rana japonica
N Kidera, T Kadoya, H Yamano, N Takamura, D Ogano, T Wakabayashi, ...
Biological conservation 219, 96-104, 2018
Impacts of weeping lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) invasion on native grasshoppers: responses of habitat generalist and specialist species
A Yoshioka, T Kadoya, S Suda, I Washitani
Biological Invasions 12, 531-539, 2010
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