Nelya Koteyko
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Citované v
Theory and language of climate change communication
B Nerlich, N Koteyko, B Brown
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 1 (1), 97-110, 2010
Communicating climate change: Conduits, content, and consensus
W Pearce, B Brown, B Nerlich, N Koteyko
Wiley interdisciplinary reviews: Climate change 6 (6), 613-626, 2015
Climate change and ‘climategate’in online reader comments: A mixed methods study
N Koteyko, R Jaspal, B Nerlich
The geographical journal 179 (1), 74-86, 2013
Exploring health communication: Language in action
K Harvey, N Koteyko
Routledge, 2012
From carbon markets to carbon morality: Creative compounds as framing devices in online discourses on climate change mitigation
N Koteyko, M Thelwall, B Nerlich
Science Communication 32 (1), 25-54, 2010
Using corpus linguistic software in the extraction of news frames: towards a dynamic process of frame analysis in journalistic texts
M Touri, N Koteyko
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 18 (6), 601-616, 2015
Contesting Science by Appealing to Its Norms: Readers Discuss Climate Science in the Daily Mail
R Jaspal, B Nerlich, N Koteyko
Science communication 35 (3), 383-410, 2013
Metaphors in Guardian Online and Mail Online opinion-page content on climate change: War, religion, and politics
D Atanasova, N Koteyko
Environmental Communication 11 (4), 452-469, 2017
‘Oh dear, should I really be saying that on here?’: Issues of identity and authority in an online diabetes community
N Armstrong, N Koteyko, J Powell
Health: 16 (4), 347-365, 2012
Compounds, creativity and complexity in climate change communication: The case of ‘carbon indulgences’
B Nerlich, N Koteyko
Global Environmental Change 19 (3), 345-353, 2009
The dead parrot and the dying swan: The role of metaphor scenarios in UK press coverage of avian flu in the UK in 2005–2006
N Koteyko, B Brown, P Crawford
Metaphor and Symbol 23 (4), 242-261, 2008
Representations of the future in English language blogs on climate change
K Fløttum, AM Gjesdal, Ø Gjerstad, N Koteyko, A Salway
Global Environmental Change 29, 213-222, 2014
The habitus of hygiene: Discourses of cleanliness and infection control in nursing work
B Brown, P Crawford, B Nerlich, N Koteyko
Social Science & Medicine 67 (7), 1047-1055, 2008
Mining the internet for linguistic and social data: An analysis of ‘carbon compounds’ in web feeds
N Koteyko
Discourse & Society 21 (6), 655-674, 2010
Crying wolf? Biosecurity and metacommunication in the context of the 2009 swine flu pandemic
B Nerlich, N Koteyko
Health & place 18 (4), 710-717, 2012
Carbon reduction activism in the UK: Lexical creativity and lexical framing in the context of climate change
B Nerlich, N Koteyko
Environmental Communication 3 (2), 206-223, 2009
Obesity frames and counter-frames in British and German online newspapers
D Atanasova, N Koteyko
Health 21 (6), 650-669, 2017
Corpus linguistics and the study of meaning in discourse
N Koteyko
The Linguistics Journal 1 (2), 132-157, 2006
The dynamics of professions and development of new roles in public services organizations: the case of modern matrons in the English NHS
G Currie, N Koteyko, B Nerlich
Public Administration 87 (2), 295-311, 2009
Expectations in the field of the Internet and health: an analysis of claims about social networking sites in clinical literature
N Koteyko, D Hunt, B Gunter
Sociology of health & illness 37 (3), 468-484, 2015
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