Jasenko Ljubica, Ph.D.
Jasenko Ljubica, Ph.D.
University of Split FEBT
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Citované v
Market Research Methods in the Sports Industry
N Šerić, J Ljubica
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018
The intention to become an expatriate: a multinational application of the theory of planned behaviour
RL Engle, C Schlägel, N Dimitriadi, E Tatoglu, J Ljubica
European Journal of International Management 9 (1), 108-137, 2015
Linking individual and organizational cultural competences: One step closer to multicultural organization
J Ljubica, Ž Dulčić, I Aust
Management: journal of contemporary management issues 21 (2), 51-82, 2016
The role of cultural intelligence (Cq) In the strategy formulation process–application to the hotel industry
J Ljubica, Z Dulcic
Annals and Proceedings of DAAAM International 23 (1), 115-120, 2012
A model of the dark side of expatriate–host country national relationships
J Ljubica, M Shaffer, S Tin, K McKouen
Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research 7 (2 …, 2019
Istraživanje tržišta u sportu i sportskoj industriji
N Šerić, A Jerkunica, L Jasenko
Evaluation of the tourst resort strategic management model in the eastern adriatic litoral
N Šerić, M Jerković, J Ljubica
Challenges of Europe: growth, competitivenesss and inequality, Hvar, Croatia …, 2015
Empower me or not? Influence of societal culture
J Ljubica, RF Littrell, G Warner-Søderholm, I Minelgaite
Cross cultural & strategic management 29 (1), 114-146, 2022
Potencijal turističke valorizacije nematerijalne kulturne baštine ruralnih područja Dalmacije
L Petrić, J Ljubica
Identitet jadranskog prostora Hrvatske; retrospekt i prospekt, 211-232, 2012
International exposure and cultural intelligence: a five country comparison
C Schlaegel, L Engle, R., N Dimitriadi, E Totaglu, J Ljubica
Academy of International Business annual meeting, 2013
Cultural intelligence (CQ) as a managerial success factor in the global organizations context
J Ljubica, Ž Dulčić
1st International Scientific Conference, Conference Proceedings: Economic …, 2012
Megaships and developing cultural tourism in Dubrovnik
J Ljubica, Z Dulcic
Cruise Tourism and Society: A Socio-economic Perspective, 17-28, 2012
Societal Culture in Slavic Nations: Effects of Historical Events
J Ljubica, RF Littrell, K Pubalova
Cross-Cultural Research 58 (4), 370-381, 2024
Breaking bad: A model of expatriate managerial misbehavior
J Ljubica, M Shaffer, C Baker
Applied Psychology 73 (3), 1261-1286, 2024
Why and how expatriate managers engage in misbehavior: developing a comprehensive model
J Ljubica, M Shaffer, C Baker
Economic and Social Development (Book of Proceedings), 94th International …, 2023
Influence of the International exposure to the expatriate intent among business students in Croatia
J Ljubica, Z Dulcic
7th International Conference: “An Enterprise Odyssey: Leadership, Innovation …, 2014
A Tossed Salad: Heterogeneity of Societal Culture and Preferred Leader Behavior in the Russian Federation
RF Littrell, J Ljubica
Cross-Cultural Research 58 (4), 346-357, 2024
A Comparison of Preferred Leader Behaviors in Slavic Countries: Three Tribes and Seven Nations
J Ljubica, Z Rahimić, M Szymanski, H Lorencová, MK Čalopa
Cross-cultural research 58 (4), 382-394, 2024
Opening the Black Box: Editorial to the “Culture and Leadership in Slavic Nations” Special Issue in the Cross-Cultural Research Journal
J Ljubica, RF Littrell
Cross-Cultural Research 58 (4), 275-287, 2024
Gender, Culture and Preferred Explicit Leader Behavior
RF Littrell, J Ljubica, G Warner-Søderholm, I Minelgaite
16th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, 2023
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