Razvan Fetecau
Razvan Fetecau
Professor of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University
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Citované v
Nonsmooth Lagrangian mechanics and variational collision integrators
RC Fetecau, JE Marsden, M Ortiz, M West
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 2 (3), 381-416, 2003
Swarm dynamics and equilibria for a nonlocal aggregation model
RC Fetecau, Y Huang, T Kolokolnikov
Nonlinearity 24 (10), 2681, 2011
Emergent behaviour in multi-particle systems with non-local interactions
T Kolokolnikov, JA Carrillo, A Bertozzi, R Fetecau, M Lewis
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 260, 1-4, 2013
On minimizers of interaction functionals with competing attractive and repulsive potentials
R Choksi, RC Fetecau, I Topaloglu
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire 32 (6), 1283-1305, 2015
Stationary states and asymptotic behavior of aggregation models with nonlinear local repulsion
M Burger, R Fetecau, Y Huang
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 13 (1), 397-424, 2014
Equilibria of biological aggregations with nonlocal repulsive–attractive interactions
RC Fetecau, Y Huang
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 260, 49-64, 2013
A Hamiltonian regularization of the Burgers equation
HS Bhat, RC Fetecau
Journal of nonlinear science 16, 615-638, 2006
Collective behavior of biological aggregations in two dimensions: a nonlocal kinetic model
RC Fetecau
Mathematical models and methods in applied sciences 21 (07), 1539-1569, 2011
An investigation of a nonlocal hyperbolic model for self-organization of biological groups
RC Fetecau, R Eftimie
Journal of Mathematical Biology 61 (4), 545-579, 2010
Lagrangian averaging for compressible fluids
HS Bhat, RC Fetecau, JE Marsden, K Mohseni, M West
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 3 (4), 818-837, 2005
First-order aggregation models and zero inertia limits
RC Fetecau, W Sun
Journal of Differential Equations 259 (11), 6774-6802, 2015
Variational multisymplectic formulations of nonsmooth continuum mechanics
RC Fetecau, JE Marsden, M West
Perspectives and Problems in Nolinear Science: A Celebratory Volume in Honor …, 2003
A mathematical model for flight guidance in honeybee swarms
RC Fetecau, A Guo
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 74 (11), 2600-2621, 2012
Self-organization on Riemannian manifolds
RC Fetecau, B Zhang
Journal of Geometric Mechanics 11 (3), 397-426, 2019
Well-posedness and asymptotic behavior of an aggregation model with intrinsic interactions on sphere and other manifolds
RC Fetecau, H Park, FS Patacchini
Analysis and Applications 19 (06), 965-1017, 2021
Anisotropic interactions in a first-order aggregation model
JHM Evers, RC Fetecau, L Ryzhik
Nonlinearity 28 (8), 2847, 2015
The Riemann problem for the Leray–Burgers equation
HS Bhat, RC Fetecau
Journal of Differential Equations 246 (10), 3957-3979, 2009
Propagation of chaos for the Keller–Segel equation over bounded domains
RC Fetecau, H Huang, W Sun
Journal of Differential Equations 266 (4), 2142-2174, 2019
Swarm equilibria in domains with boundaries
RC Fetecau, M Kovacic
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 16 (3), 1260-1308, 2017
First-order aggregation models with alignment
RC Fetecau, W Sun, C Tan
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 325, 146-163, 2016
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