Liese Exelmans
Liese Exelmans
School for Mass Communication Research, KU Leuven
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Citované v
Bedtime mobile phone use and sleep in adults
L Exelmans, J Van den Bulck
Social Science & Medicine 148, 93-101, 2016
Binge viewing, sleep, and the role of pre-sleep arousal
L Exelmans, J Van den Bulck
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 13 (8), 1001-1008, 2017
Bedtime, shuteye time and electronic media: Sleep displacement is a two‐step process
L Exelmans, J Van den Bulck
Journal of sleep research 26 (3), 364-370, 2017
Sleep quality is negatively related to video gaming volume in adults
L Exelmans, J Van den Bulck
Journal of sleep research 24 (2), 189-196, 2015
“Glued to the tube”: the interplay between self-control, evening television viewing, and bedtime procrastination
L Exelmans, J Van den Bulck
Communication Research 48 (4), 594-616, 2021
The use of media as a sleep aid in adults
L Exelmans, J Van den Bulck
Behavioral Sleep Medicine 14 (2), 121-133, 2016
Violent video games and delinquent behavior in adolescents: A risk factor perspective
L Exelmans, K Custers, J Van den Bulck
Aggressive behavior 41 (3), 267-279, 2015
Self-control depletion and sleep duration: the mediating role of television viewing
L Exelmans, J Van den Bulck
Psychology & Health 33 (10), 1251-1268, 2018
Sleep research: A primer for media scholars
L Exelmans, J Van den Bulck
Health Communication 34 (5), 519-528, 2019
Technology and sleep: how electronic media exposure has impacted core concepts of sleep medicine
L Exelmans, J Van den Bulck
Behavioral sleep medicine 13 (6), 439-441, 2015
Social media use and sleep quality among adults: the role of gender, age and social media checking habit
L Exelmans, H Scott
PsyArXiv, 2019
Just one more episode: Predictors of procrastination with television and implications for sleep quality
L Exelmans, A Meier, L Reinecke, J Van Den Bulck
Mass Communication and Society 22 (5), 654-685, 2019
Sleep latency versus shuteye latency: Prevalence, predictors and relation to insomnia symptoms in a representative sample of adults
L Exelmans, M Gradisar, J Van den Bulck
Journal of sleep research 27 (6), e12737, 2018
Electronic media use and sleep: a self-control perspective
L Exelmans
Current Sleep Medicine Reports 5, 135-140, 2019
'Are you still watching?'Observing and Explaining the Relationship between Electronic Media Use and Sleep
L Exelmans
Electronic media use and the blurriness of bedtime: introducing sleep displacement as a two-stage process
L Exelmans, J Van den Bulck
Journal of Sleep Research 25, 149-149, 2016
Philanthropic, prosocial players: How game-related charity events motivate unlikely donors
AC Cote, S Dal Cin, L Exelmans, M Mustafaj
New Media & Society 26 (8), 4867-4884, 2024
L Exelmans
The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology, 1-5, 2020
“Glued to the tube”: the interplay between self-control, evening television viewing, and bedtime procrastination
L Exelmans, J Van den Bulck
International Communication Association, Date: 2016/06/09-2016/06/13 …, 2016
Ego depletion both increases and decreases time to bed: a dual pathway model
L Exelmans, J Van den Bulck
Journal of Sleep Research 25, 242-242, 2016
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