Christoph Teller
Citované v
Citované v
Supply chain capabilities, risks, and resilience
X Brusset, C Teller
International Journal of Production Economics 184 (February), 59-68, 2017
The evolving concept of retail attractiveness: what makes retail agglomerations attractive when customers shop at them?
C Teller, T Reutterer
Journal of Retailing and consumer services 15 (3), 127-143, 2008
Shopping streets versus shopping malls–determinants of agglomeration format attractiveness from the consumers' point of view
C Teller
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 18 (4 …, 2008
Testing Retail Marketing-Mix Effects on Patronage: A Meta-Analysis
M Blut, C Teller, A Floh
Journal of Retailing,, 2018
Value‐adding partnerships and co‐opetition models in the grocery industry
H Kotzab, C Teller
International journal of physical distribution & logistics management 33 (3 …, 2003
Retail Store Operations and Food Waste
C Teller, C Holweg, G Reiner, H Kotzab
Journal of Cleaner Production 185 (June), 981-99, 2018
Store format choice and shopping trip types
T Reutterer, C Teller
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 37 (8), 695-710, 2009
Omni-Channel Retailing Research – State of the art and intellectual foundation
E Galipoglu, H Kotzab, I Teller, Christoph, Özge Yumurtaci Hüseyinoglu, ...
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 48 …, 2017
What a waste! Exploring the human reality of food waste from the store manager's perspective
V Gruber, C Holweg, C Teller
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 35 (1), 3-25, 2016
Managing the attractiveness of evolved and created retail agglomerations formats
C Teller, J Elms
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 28 (1), 25-45, 2010
Hedonic and utilitarian shopper types in evolved and created retail agglomerations
C Teller, T Reutterer, P Schnedlitz
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 18 (3 …, 2008
The effect of ambient scent on consumers' perception, emotions and behaviour: A critical review
C Teller, C Dennis
Journal of Marketing Management 28 (1-2), 14-36, 2012
Representative marketing‐oriented study on implants in the Austrian population. I. Level of information, sources of information and need for patient information
G Tepper, R Haas, G Mailath, C Teller, W Zechner, G Watzak, G Watzek
Clinical oral implants research 14 (5), 621-633, 2003
Environmental retail supply chains: when global Goliaths become environmental Davids
H Kotzab, HM Munch, B de Faultrier, C Teller
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 39 (9), 658-681, 2011
The impact of competition and cooperation on the performance of a retail agglomeration and its stores
C Teller, A Alexander, A Floh
Industrial Marketing Management 52, 6-17, 2016
Analyzing the efficient execution of in‐store logistics processes in grocery retailing—The case of dairy products
G Reiner, C Teller, H Kotzab
Production and Operations Management 22 (4), 924-939, 2013
The importance of key supplier relationship management in supply chains
C Teller, H Kotzab, DB Grant, C Holweg
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 44 (2), 109-123, 2016
Urban place marketing and retail agglomeration customers
C Teller, JR Elms
Journal of marketing management 28 (5-6), 546-567, 2012
Development and empirical test of a grocery retail instore logistics model
H Kotzab, C Teller
British Food Journal, 2005
Antecedents for the adoption and execution of supply chain management
H Kotzab, C Teller, DB Grant, L Sparks
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 16 (4), 231-245, 2011
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