Param Gautam
Param Gautam
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Strong seismic coupling underneath Garhwal–Kumaun region, NW Himalaya, India
RK Yadav, VK Gahalaut, AK Bansal, SP Sati, J Catherine, P Gautam, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 506, 8-14, 2019
Continuous GPS measurements of crustal deformation in Garhwal-Kumaun Himalaya
PK Gautam, VK Gahalaut, SK Prajapati, N Kumar, RK Yadav, N Rana, ...
Quaternary International 462, 124-129, 2017
2D Geo-electrical imaging for shallow depth investigation in Doon Valley Sub-Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India
PK Gautam, A Biswas
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2 (4), 1-9, 2016
Crustal deformation analysis across Garhwal Himalaya: Part of western Himalaya using GPS observations
G Sharma, S Kannaujiya, PKR Gautam, AK Taloor, PK Champatiray, ...
Quaternary International 575, 153-159, 2021
Contribution of seasonal hydrological loading in the variation of seismicity and geodetic deformation in Garhwal region of Northwest Himalaya
S Kannaujiya, PK Gautam, P Chauhan, PNS Roy, SK Pal, AK Taloor
Quaternary International 575, 62-71, 2021
High resolution 2D electrical resistivity tomography to characterize active Naitwar Bazar landslide, Garhwal Himalaya, India
SK Mondal, RG Sastry, AK Pachauri, PK Gautam
Current Science, 871-875, 2008
Surface deformation and influence of hydrological mass over Himalaya and North India revealed from a decade of continuous GPS and GRACE observations
AP Saji, PS Sunil, KM Sreejith, PK Gautam, KV Kumar, M Ponraj, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125 (1), e2018JF004943, 2020
A comparative appraisal of ground water resources using GRACE-GPS data in highly urbanised regions of Uttar Pradesh, India
PK Gautam, S Arora, S Kannaujiya, A Singh, A Goswami, PK Champati
Sustainable Water Resources Management 3, 441-449, 2017
Global navigation satellite system detection of preseismic ionospheric total electron content anomalies for strong magnitude (Mw> 6) Himalayan earthquakes
G Sharma, PK Champati ray, S Mohanty, PKR Gautam, S Kannaujiya
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 11 (4), 046018-046018, 2017
Unraveling seismic hazard by estimating prolonged crustal strain buildup in Kumaun-Garhwal, Northwest Himalaya using GPS measurements
S Kannaujiya, RK Yadav, T Sarkar, G Sharma, P Chauhan, SK Pal, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 223, 104993, 2022
2D Electrical resistivity imaging for geothermal groundwater characterization and rejuvenation of the Gaurikund hot spring in the Main Central Thrust (MCT) zone of the …
S Singh, PK Gautam, D Bagchi, S Singh, S Kumar, S Kannaujiya
Groundwater for Sustainable Development 15, 100686, 2021
Characterization of the groundwater quality in Udham Singh nagar of Kumaun himalaya, Uttarakhand
S Singh, PK Gautam, T Sarkar, AK Taloor
Environmental Earth Sciences 81 (19), 468, 2022
Delineating the characteristics of saline water intrusion in the coastal aquifers of Tamil Nadu, India by analysing the Dar-Zarrouk parameters
S Singh, PK Gautam, P Kumar, A Biswas, T Sarkar
Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy 51 (2), 141–163, 2021
Crustal velocity and interseismic strain-rate on possible zones for large earthquakes in the Garhwal–Kumaun Himalaya
JP Pappachen, R Sathiyaseelan, PK Gautam, SK Pal
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 21283, 2021
GPS measured static and kinematic offsets at near and far field of the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
PK Gautam, R Sathyaseelan, JP Pappachen, N Kumar, A Biswas, G Philip, ...
Geodesy and Geodynamics 10 (3), 213-227, 2019
Impact assessment of the seasonal hydrological loading on geodetic movement and seismicity in Nepal Himalaya using GRACE and GNSS measurements
DS Nagale, S Kannaujiya, PK Gautam, AK Taloor, T Sarkar
Geodesy and Geodynamics 13 (5), 445-455, 2022
Co-seismic ionospheric GPS-TEC disturbances from different source characteristic earthquakes in the Himalaya and the adjoining regions
PK Gautam, V Chauhan, R Sathyaseelan, N Kumar, JP Pappachen
NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics 7 (2), 237-246, 2018
The utility of multi-electrode resistivity data in geotechnical investigations–A case study
PK Gautam, RG Sastry, SK Mondal
20th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and …, 2007
Geodetic Monitoring of Landslide Movement at two sites in the Garhwal Himalaya
Journal of Himalayan Geology 41 (1), 21-30, 2020
Seismicity and reservoir induced crustal motion study around the Tehri Dam, India
S Choudhury, PK Gautam, A Paul
Acta Geophysica 61, 923-934, 2013
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