Saspiturry Nicolas
Saspiturry Nicolas
Montpellier University Pl. Eugène Bataillon, 34090 Montpellier.
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Citované v
A review of cretaceous smooth-slopes extensional basins along the Iberia-Eurasia plate boundary: How pre-rift salt controls the modes of continental rifting and mantle exhumation
Y Lagabrielle, R Asti, T Duretz, C Clerc, S Fourcade, A Teixell, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 201, 103071, 2020
Symmetry vs. asymmetry of a hyper-thinned rift: Example of the Mauléon Basin (Western Pyrenees, France)
N Saspiturry, P Razin, T Baudin, O Serrano, B Issautier, E Lasseur, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 104, 86-105, 2019
Paleogeothermal gradients across an inverted hyperextended rift system: Example of the Mauléon Fossil Rift (Western Pyrenees)
N Saspiturry, A Lahfid, T Baudin, L Guillou‐Frottier, P Razin, B Issautier, ...
Tectonics 39 (10), e2020TC006206, 2020
Tectono-sedimentary evolution of a rift system controlled by Permian post-orogenic extension and metamorphic core complex formation (Bidarray Basin and Ursuya dome, Western …
N Saspiturry, B Cochelin, P Razin, S Leleu, B Lemirre, C Bouscary, ...
Tectonophysics 768, 228180, 2019
The role of inheritance in forming rifts and rifted margins and building collisional orogens: a Biscay-Pyrenean perspective
G Manatschal, P Chenin, R Lescoutre, J Miró, P Cadenas, N Saspiturry, ...
BSGF-Earth Sciences Bulletin 192 (1), 55, 2021
The Mesozoic Iberia-Eurasia diffuse plate boundary: A wide domain of distributed transtensional deformation progressively focusing along the North Pyrenean Zone
R Asti, N Saspiturry, P Angrand
Earth-Science Reviews 230, 104040, 2022
Closure of a hyperextended system in an orogenic lithospheric pop‐up, Western Pyrenees: The role of mantle buttressing and rift structural inheritance
N Saspiturry, C Allanic, P Razin, B Issautier, T Baudin, E Lasseur, ...
Terra Nova 32 (4), 253-260, 2020
Three-dimensional shear velocity structure of the Mauléon and Arzacq Basins (Western Pyrenees)
M Lehujeur, S Chevrot, A Villaseñor, E Masini, N Saspiturry, R Lescoutre, ...
BSGF-Earth Sciences Bulletin 192 (1), 47, 2021
Review of Iberia–Eurasia plate‐boundary basins: Role of sedimentary burial and salt tectonics during rifting and continental breakup
N Saspiturry, B Issautier, P Razin, T Baudin, R Asti, Y Lagabrielle, ...
Basin Research 33 (2), 1626-1661, 2021
Role of structural inheritance and salt tectonics in the formation of pseudosymmetric continental rifts on the european margin of the hyperextended Mauléon basin (Early …
B Issautier, N Saspiturry, O Serrano
Marine and Petroleum Geology 118, 104395, 2020
Large-scale vertical movements in Cenomanian to Santonian carbonate platform in Iberia: indicators of a Coniacian pre-orogenic compressive stress
S Andrieu, N Saspiturry, M Lartigau, B Issautier, P Angrand, E Lasseur
BSGF-Earth Sciences Bulletin 192 (1), 19, 2021
Upper lithospheric transfer zones driving the non-cylindricity of the West-Pyrenean orogenic prism (Mauléon hyperextended basin)
N Saspiturry, C Allanic, O Serrano, G Courrioux, T Baudin, B Le Bayon, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 156, 104535, 2022
Onset of Iberian-European plate convergence: Late Cretaceous flexural response of a hot lithosphere (Aquitaine Basin, France)
B Issautier, E Lasseur, N Saspiturry, P Angrand, S Andrieu, O Serrano
Tectonophysics 843, 229504, 2022
Review of Iberia-Eurasia plate-boundary basins: role of sedimentary burial on depth-dependent continental crust ductile thinning during rifting and continental breakup
N Saspiturry, B Issautier, P Razin, T Baudin, R Asti, Y Lagabrielle, ...
Bassin Res 33, 1626-1661, 2021
Review of the syn-rift to early post-rift depositional systems of the Cretaceous Mauléon Rift: sedimentary record of continental crust hyperextension and mantle denudation …
N Saspiturry, B Issautier, P Razin, S Andrieu, E Lasseur, C Allanic, ...
BSGF-Earth Sciences Bulletin 192 (1), 49, 2021
Évolution sédimentaire, structurale et thermique d'un rift hyper-aminci: de l'héritage post-hercynien à l'inversion alpine: exemple du bassin de Mauléon (Pyrénées)
N Saspiturry
Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III 104, 86-105, 2019
The role of inheritance in forming rifts and rifted margins and building collisional orogens: a Biscay-Pyrenean perspective, BSGF–Earth Sci. Bull., 192, 55
G Manatschal, P Chenin, R Lescoutre, J Miró, P Cadenas, N Saspiturry, ...
Sedimentary evolution and vertical movements during the Cenomanian to Santonian interval on the Iberian margin of the Pyrenees: Comparison with the southern Aquitaine Basin
S Andrieu, N Saspiturry, M Lartigau, B Issautier, E Lasseur
BSGF–Earth Sciences Bulletin 192, 19, 2021
Serpentinization and magmatic distribution in a hyperextended rift suture: Implication for natural hydrogen exploration (Mauléon basin, Pyrenees)
N Saspiturry, C Allanic, A Peyrefitte
Tectonics 43 (8), e2024TC008385, 2024
Sedimentary, structural and thermal evolution of a hyperextended rift: from post-hercynian inheritance to alpine inversion: Mauléon basin example (Pyrenees)
N Saspiturry
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: TEL …, 2019
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