Dr. Mallikarjunagouda Patil
Dr. Mallikarjunagouda Patil
Assistant Professor, P. G. Department of Chemistry, Basaveshwar Science College, Bagalkot-587101
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Evaluation of Abelmoschus esculentus mucilage as suspending agent in paracetamol suspension
R Kumar, MB Patil, SR Patil, MS Paschapur
International Journal of PharmTech Research 1 (3), 658-665, 2009
Novel dense poly (vinyl alcohol)–TiO2 mixed matrix membranes for pervaporation separation of water–isopropanol mixtures at 30° C
M Sairam, MB Patil, RS Veerapur, SA Patil, TM Aminabhavi
Journal of membrane science 281 (1-2), 95-102, 2006
Preliminary phytochemical investigation and wound healing activity of Allium cepa Linn (Liliaceae)
C Shenoy, MB Patil, R Kumar, S Patil
International journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 2 (2), 167-175, 2009
Matrimid polyimide membranes for the separation of carbon dioxide from methane
S Sridhar, RS Veerapur, MB Patil, KB Gudasi, TM Aminabhavi
Journal of applied polymer science 106 (3), 1585-1594, 2007
Isolation and evaluation of disintegrant properties of fenugreek seed mucilage
R Kumar, S Patil, MB Patil, SR Patil, MS Paschapur
International Journal of PharmTech Research 1 (4), 982-996, 2009
Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of ethanolic extract of Borassus flabellifer L. male flowers (inflorescences) in experimental animals
MS Paschapur, MB Patil, R Kumar, SR Patil
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 3 (2), 049-054, 2009
Formulation and evaluation of effervescent floating tablet of famotidine
R Kumar, MB Patil, SR Patil, MS Paschapur
Int J Pharm Tech Res 1 (3), 754-763, 2009
Evaluation of Anacardium occidentale gum as gelling agent in aceclofenac gel
R Kumar, MB Patil, SR Patil, MS Paschapur
International Journal of PharmTech Research 1 (3), 695-704, 2009
Pervaporation separation of toluene/alcohol mixtures using silicalite zeolite embedded chitosan mixed matrix membranes
MB Patil, TM Aminabhavi
Separation and purification technology 62 (1), 128-136, 2008
Wound healing activity of Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit (Lamiaceae)
C Shenoy, MB Patil, R Kumar
International Journal of PharmTech Research 1 (3), 737-744, 2009
Formulation evaluation of mouth dissolving tablets of fenofibrate using sublimation technique
R Kumar, S Patil, MB Patil, SR Patil, MS Paschapur
Int J Chem Tech Res 1 (4), 840-850, 2009
Evaluation of the analgesic and antipyretic activities of ethanolic extract of male flowers (inflorescences) of Borassus flabellifer L.(Arecaceae)
MS Paschapur, S Patil, SR Patil, R Kumar, MB Patil
International journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 1 (2), 98-106, 2009
Polysaccharides based colon specific drug delivery: a review
R Kumar, MB Patil, SR Patil, MS Paschapur
Int. J. Pharm. Tech. Res 1 (2), 334-346, 2009
Poly (vinyl alcohol)–zeolite T mixed matrix composite membranes for pervaporation separation of water+ 1, 4-dioxane mixtures
RS Veerapur, MB Patil, KB Gudasi, TM Aminabhavi
Separation and purification technology 58 (3), 377-385, 2008
Cellulose acetate-coated α-alumina ceramic composite tubular membranes for wastewater treatment
SK Nataraj, S Roy, MB Patil, MN Nadagouda, WE Rudzinski, ...
Desalination 281, 348-353, 2011
Preparation and characterization of filled matrix membranes of sodium alginate incorporated with aluminum-containing mesoporous silica for pervaporation dehydration of alcohols
MB Patil, RS Veerapur, SA Patil, CD Madhusoodana, TM Aminabhavi
Separation and purification technology 54 (1), 34-43, 2007
Evaluation of aqueous extract of leaves of Ocimum kilimandscharicum on wound healing activity in albino wistar rats
MS Paschapur, MB Patil, R Kumar, SR Patil
Int J PharmTech Res 1 (3), 544-550, 2009
Wound healing activity of Hyptis suaveolens (L) poit (Laminiaceae)
S Chitra, MB Patil, K Ravi
Int J Pharm Technol Res 1 (3), 737-744, 2009
Antibacterial and wound healing activity of the leaves of Annona squamosa Linn.(Annonaceae)
C Shenoy, MB Patil, R Kumar
Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and phytochemistry 1 (1), 44-50, 2009
A Kumar, M Jaiswal
Analysis and Comparison between the Conventional Materials with Composite …, 2016
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