raad Ghazi Al-Azawi
raad Ghazi Al-Azawi
Computer science teacher
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Citované v
Citované v
Evaluating Facebook success in Iraq: An extension of the DeLone and McLean’s model of information systems success (ISS)
A Al-Azawei, R Al-Azawi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1804 (1), 012114, 2021
Feature extractions and selection of bot detection on Twitter A systematic literature review: Feature extractions and selection of bot detection on Twitter A systematic …
R Al-azawi, O Safaa
Inteligencia Artificial 25 (69), 57-86, 2022
Unsupervised Machine Learning for Bot Detection on Twitter: Generating and Selecting Features for Accurate Clustering
R Al-azawi, O Safaa
Inteligencia Artificial 27 (73), 142-158, 2024
Design Approach to Recognize Phishing Website by a Combination of Two Methods Using the Advantage of IP Address and Webpage Characteristics
RGAA Muhanad Mohammed Kadum,Bahaa Hussein Taher
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 10, 2018
TCP/IP Request Management Using Customized MLFB Queue Scheduling Technique
WD Raad Ghazi Hameed
International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications …, 2014
Implementation of suggests GSM/GPRS system in governmental service departments
RGH Al-Azawi
Journal of University of Babylon 22 (4), 2014
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