Oguz Bayat
Oguz Bayat
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Citované v
Social touch gesture recognition using convolutional neural network
S Albawi, O Bayat, S Al-Azawi, ON Ucan
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2018 (1), 6973103, 2018
A hybrid local search-genetic algorithm for simultaneous placement of DG units and shunt capacitors in radial distribution systems
EA Almabsout, RA El-Sehiemy, ONU An, O Bayat
IEEE Access 8, 54465-54481, 2020
Breast cancer detection and image evaluation using augmented deep convolutional neural networks
SRA Ahmed, ON Uçan, AD Duru, O Bayat
Aurum journal of engineering systems and architecture 2 (2), 121-129, 2018
A grasshopper optimizer approach for feature selection and optimizing SVM parameters utilizing real biomedical data sets
HT Ibrahim, WJ Mazher, ON Ucan, O Bayat
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-10, 2018
A novel software engineering approach toward using machine learning for improving the efficiency of health systems
M Moreb, TA Mohammed, O Bayat
IEEE Access 8, 23169-23178, 2020
The impacts of social media on University students in Iraq
AF Aljuboori, AM Fashakh, O Bayat
Egyptian Informatics Journal 21 (3), 139-144, 2020
An expert system to predict eye disorder using deep convolutional neural network
MR Ahmed, SR Ahmed, AD Duru, ON Uçan, O Bayat
Academic Platform-Journal of Engineering and Science 9 (1), 47-52, 2021
Multiple DGs for reducing total power losses in radial distribution systems using hybrid WOA‐SSA algorithm
KMS Alzaidi, O Bayat, ON Uçan
International Journal of Photoenergy 2019 (1), 2426538, 2019
Feature selection using salp swarm algorithm for real biomedical datasets
HT Ibrahim, WJ Mazher, ON Ucan, O Bayat
IJCSNS 17 (12), 13-20, 2017
Design and implementation of a smart home system with two levels of security based on IoT technology
M Murad, O Bayat, HM Marhoon
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 21 (1 …, 2021
Performance evaluation of a real long term evolution (LTE) network
V Sevindik, J Wang, O Bayat, J Weitzen
37th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks-Workshops, 679-685, 2012
YOLO-V3 based real-time drone detection algorithm
HR Alsanad, AZ Sadik, ON Ucan, M Ilyas, O Bayat
Multimedia tools and applications 81 (18), 26185-26198, 2022
A new novel optimization techniques implemented on the AVR control system using MATLAB-SIMULINK
YR Mohammed, N Basil, O Bayat, A Hamid
Int. J. Adv. Sci. Technol 29 (5), 4515-4521, 2020
Impact of metaheuristic iteration on artificial neural network structure in medical data
I Salman, ON Ucan, O Bayat, K Shaker
Processes 6 (5), 57, 2018
Interference coordination for millimeter wave communications in 5G networks for performance optimization
J Wang, J Weitzen, O Bayat, V Sevindik, M Li
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2019, 1-16, 2019
Improve DC motor system using fuzzy logic control by particle swarm optimization in use scale factors
NB Mohamadwasel, O Bayat
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Mob. Comput 8 (3), 152-160, 2019
Dynamic Centralized Interference Coordination in Femto Cell Network with QoS Provision
J Wang, J Weitzen, V Sevindik, O Bayat, M Li
Latest Trends on Communications, Proceedings of the 18th International …, 2014
Implementation of rover tank firefighting robot for closed areas based on arduino microcontroller
A Murad, O Bayat, HM Marhoon
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 21 (1), 56-63, 2021
Rayleigh Leistungs Relation and Rician Fading Channels in Qam Using Simulink Environment
AG Mushref, AH Mohammed, O Bayat
2020 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and …, 2020
Motor-Imagery BCI task classification using riemannian geometry and averaging with mean absolute deviation
ASM Miah, SRA Ahmed, MR Ahmed, O Bayat, AD Duru, MKI Molla
2019 Scientific Meeting on Electrical-Electronics & Biomedical Engineering …, 2019
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