Oussama Djedidi
Oussama Djedidi
Ďalšie menáO. Djedidi
University of Doha for Science and Technology
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Citované v
Citované v
Accurate detection and discrimination of pollutant gases using a temperature modulated MOX sensor combined with feature extraction and support vector classification
O Djedidi, MA Djeziri, N Morati, JL Seguin, M Bendahan, T Contaret
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 339, 129817, 2021
A temporal-based SVM approach for the detection and identification of pollutant gases in a gas mixture
MA Djeziri, O Djedidi, N Morati, JL Seguin, M Bendahan, T Contaret
Applied Intelligence 52 (6), 6065-6078, 2022
Power profiling and monitoring in embedded systems: A comparative study and a novel methodology based on NARX neural networks
O Djedidi, MA Djeziri
Journal of Systems Architecture 111, 101805, 2020
Data Analysis-Based Gas Identification with a Single Metal Oxide Sensor Operating in Dynamic Temperature Regime
MD Nicolas Morati, Thierry Contaret, Jean-Luc Seguin, Marc Bendahan, Oussama ...
ALLSENSORS 2020, The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Sensors …, 2020
Remaining useful life prediction in embedded systems using an online auto-updated machine learning based modeling
O Djedidi, MA Djeziri, S Benmoussa
Microelectronics Reliability 119, 114071, 2021
Failure Prognosis Based on Relevant Measurements Identification and Data-Driven Trend-Modeling: Application to a Fuel Cell System
M Djeziri, O Djedidi, S Benmoussa, M Bendahan, JL Seguin
Processes 9 (2), 328, 2021
A Novel Easy-to-construct Power Model for Embedded and Mobile Systems
O Djedidi, MA Djeziri, NK M’Sirdi, A Naamane
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control …, 2018
Data-Driven Approach for Feature Drift Detection in Embedded Electronic Devices⋆
O Djedidi, MA Djeziri, NK M’Sirdi
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 1024-1029, 2018
Paediatric bone age assessment from hand x-ray using deep learning approach
A Zerari, O Djedidi, L Kahloul, R Carlo, I Remadna
International Conference on Computing Systems and Applications, 373-383, 2022
Incremental Modeling and Monitoring of Embedded CPU-GPU Chips
O Djedidi, M Djeziri
Processes 8 (6), 678, 2020
Constructing an Accurate and a High-Performance Power Profiler for Embedded Systems and Smartphones
Oussama Djedidi, Mohand A. Djeziri, Nacer K. M'sirdi, Aziz Naamane
Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Modelling, Analysis …, 2018
Feature selection for virtual metrology modeling: an application to chemical mechanical polishing
O Djedidi, R Clain, V Borodin, A Roussy
2022 33rd Annual SEMI advanced semiconductor manufacturing conference (ASMC …, 2022
Modélisation incrémentale des processeurs embarqués pour l'estimation des caractéristiques et le diagnostic
O Djedidi
Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), 2019
Adaptive estimation of the thermal behavior of CPU-GPU SoCs for prediction and diagnosis
O Djedidi, NK M'Sirdi, A Naamane
Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated Modeling and …, 2019
Failure prognosis of embedded systems based on temperature drift assessment
O Djedidi, M Djeziri, S Benmoussa
IMAACA 2019–Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated …, 2019
Incremental modeling of an embedded CPU-GPU systems for feature estimation and monitoring
O Djedidi
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: TEL …, 2019
Incremental modeling of embedded processors for feature estimation and diagnostics
O Djedidi
Aix Marseille université-LIS, 2019
Data-driven monitoring of Systems On Chip for Multifunction Modular Cockpit Display
O Djedidi, M Djeziri, KN M'Sirdi
5th Summer School on INtelligent signal processing for FrontIEr Research and …, 2019
Prototypage d'un système de surveillance des systèmes embarqués pour le projet MMCD
O Djedidi, MA Djeziri, KN M'Sirdi
Modélisation orientée diagnostic des composants électroniques embarqués
O Djedidi, MA Djeziri, N M'Sirdi
Congrès National de la Recherche des IUT (CNRIUT’2018), 2018
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Články 1–20