Články s príkazom na verejný prístup - Nilam RamĎalšie informácie
Nedostupné nikde: 18
Emotion dysregulation as a dynamic process
PM Cole, KA Ramsook, N Ram
Development and Psychopathology 31 (3), 1191-1201, 2019
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Sexual activity, sexual thoughts, and intimacy among older adults: Links with physical health and psychosocial resources for successful aging.
K Kolodziejczak, A Rosada, J Drewelies, S Düzel, P Eibich, C Tegeler, ...
Psychology and aging 34 (3), 389, 2019
Príkazy: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Factors impacting volumetric white matter changes following whole brain radiation therapy
N Szerlip, C Rutter, N Ram, S Yovino, Y Kwok, W Maggio, WF Regine
Journal of neuro-oncology 103, 111-119, 2011
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Latent growth and dynamic structural equation models
KJ Grimm, N Ram
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 14 (1), 55-89, 2018
Príkazy: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Multidomain trajectories of psychological functioning in old age: A longitudinal perspective on (uneven) successful aging.
J Morack, N Ram, EB Fauth, D Gerstorf
Developmental psychology 49 (12), 2309, 2013
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur …
The Development of Emotion Regulation in Early Childhood: A Matter of Multiple Time Scales1
PM Cole, JP Lougheed, N Ram
Emotion regulation, 52-69, 2018
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Empathic accuracy for happiness in the daily lives of older couples: Fluid cognitive performance predicts pattern accuracy among men.
G Hülür, CA Hoppmann, A Rauers, H Schade, N Ram, D Gerstorf
Psychology and Aging 31 (5), 545, 2016
Príkazy: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, German Research …
Understanding process in group-based intervention delivery: social network analysis and intra-entity variability methods as windows into the “black box”
L Molloy Elreda, JD Coatsworth, SD Gest, N Ram, K Bamberger
Prevention Science 17, 925-936, 2016
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Using technology to unobtrusively observe relationship development
M Brinberg, RR Vanderbilt, DH Solomon, D Brinberg, N Ram
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 38 (12), 3429-3450, 2021
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Intraindividual variability across the life span: Moving toward computational developmental science
N Ram, L Gatzke-Kopp, D Gerstorf, M Coccia, J Morack, PCM Molenaar
Handbook of intraindividual variability across the life span, 16-34, 2014
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Good night–good day? Bidirectional links of daily sleep quality with negative affect and stress reactivity in old age.
AJ Lücke, C Wrzus, D Gerstorf, U Kunzmann, M Katzorreck, ...
Psychology and aging 37 (8), 876, 2022
Príkazy: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, German Research …
Using fishery models to examine self-and co-regulation processes across multiple timescales
L Benson, N Ram, CA Stifter
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 25 (6), 906-923, 2018
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Sensitization in situ: Identifying interindividual differences in adolescentsʼ intraindividual responsiveness to daily interparental conflict
CJ Sloan, GM Fosco, N Ram
Family Relations 71 (2), 583-601, 2022
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Intraindividual variability in self-representations in adolescence
SD Gest, LE Molloy, N Ram
Handbook of intraindividual variability across the life span, 123-142, 2014
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Father–child physiological concordance on two timescales is differentially associated with paternal characteristics
X Zhang, LM Gatzke‐Kopp, M Chen, PM Cole, N Ram
Psychophysiology 59 (10), e14073, 2022
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Biodiversity metrics in lifespan developmental methodology
L Benson, N Ram
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2018
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Addressing Contamination Bias in Child Maltreatment Research: Innovative Methods for Enhancing the Accuracy of Causal Estimates
CE Shenk, AE Olson, E Dunning, KA Shores, N Ram, ZF Fisher, JM Felt, ...
Innovative Methods in Child Maltreatment Research and Practice: Advances in …, 2023
Príkazy: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Describing and Controlling Multivariate Dynamical Systems: A Boolean Network Method
X Yang, N Ram
Multivariate Behavioral Research 55 (1), 163-164, 2020
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Dostupné niekde: 197
Emotional experience improves with age: evidence based on over 10 years of experience sampling.
LL Carstensen, B Turan, S Scheibe, N Ram, H Ersner-Hershfield, ...
Psychology and aging 26 (1), 21, 2011
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
Methods and measures: Growth mixture modeling: A method for identifying differences in longitudinal change among unobserved groups
N Ram, KJ Grimm
International journal of behavioral development 33 (6), 565-576, 2009
Príkazy: US National Institutes of Health
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