Manuel de la Sen
Manuel de la Sen
Professor of Systems Engineering and Automatic Control, University of the Basque Country
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Citované v
Citované v
On orthogonal sets and Banach fixed point theorem
ME Gordji, M Ramezani, M De La Sen, YJ Cho
Fixed point theory 18 (2), 569-578, 2017
On ϕ-convex functions
ME Gordji, MR Delavar, M De La Sen
J. Math. Inequal 10 (1), 173-183, 2016
Sliding-mode control of wave power generation plants
AJ Garrido, I Garrido, M Amundarain, M Alberdi, M De la Sen
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 48 (6), 2372-2381, 2012
About robust stability of Caputo linear fractional dynamic systems with time delays through fixed point theory
M De la Sen
Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2011, 1-19, 2011
Complementary control of oscillating water column-based wave energy conversion plants to improve the instantaneous power output
M Alberdi, M Amundarain, AJ Garrido, I Garrido, O Casquero, M De la Sen
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 26 (4), 1021-1032, 2011
Some generalizations of Hermite–Hadamard type inequalities
M Rostamian Delavar, M De La Sen
SpringerPlus 5 (1), 1661, 2016
On a generalized time-varying SEIR epidemic model with mixed point and distributed time-varying delays and combined regular and impulsive vaccination controls
M De la Sen, RP Agarwal, A Ibeas, S Alonso-Quesada
Advances in Difference Equations 2010, 2011
Preserving positive realness through discretization
M De la Sen
Positivity, 31-45, 2002
The reachability and observability of hybrid multirate sampling linear systems
M De la Sen
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 31 (1), 109-122, 1996
On vaccination controls for the SEIR epidemic model
M De la Sen, A Ibeas, S Alonso-Quesada
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (6), 2637-2658, 2012
The generalized Beverton–Holt equation and the control of populations
M De la Sen
Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (11), 2312-2328, 2008
Hybrid Ćirić type graphic Υ, Λ-contraction mappings with applications to electric circuit and fractional differential equations
E Ameer, H Aydi, M Arshad, M De la Sen
Symmetry 12 (3), 467, 2020
Second-order counterexamples to the discrete-time Kalman conjecture
WP Heath, J Carrasco, M de la Sen
Automatica 60, 140-144, 2015
Vaccination strategies based on feedback control techniques for a general SEIR-epidemic model
M De la Sen, S Alonso-Quesada
Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (7), 3888-3904, 2011
Control issues for the Beverton–Holt equation in ecology by locally monitoring the environment carrying capacity: Non-adaptive and adaptive cases
M De la Sen, S Alonso-Quesada
Applied Mathematics and Computation 215 (7), 2616-2633, 2009
Robust stabilization of a class of uncertain time delay systems in sliding mode
N Luo, M de la Sen, J Rodellar
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 1997
Some fixed point theorems in Menger probabilistic metric-like spaces
AF Roldan Lopez de Hierro, M de la Sen
Fixed point theory and applications 2015, 1-16, 2015
A Novel Homotopy Perturbation Method with Applications to Nonlinear Fractional Order KdV and Burger Equation with Exponential‐Decay Kernel
S Ahmad, A Ullah, A Akgül, M De la Sen
Journal of Function Spaces 2021 (1), 8770488, 2021
On the existence of equilibrium points, boundedness, oscillating behavior and positivity of a SVEIRS epidemic model under constant and impulsive vaccination
M De la Sen, RP Agarwal, A Ibeas, Alonso-Quesada, S.
Advances in Difference Equations 2011, 2011
On the stability of an SEIR epidemic model with distributed time-delay and a general class of feedback vaccination rules
M De la Sen, S Alonso-Quesada, A Ibeas
Applied Mathematics and Computation 270, 953-976, 2015
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