Madeleine O. Hosli
Madeleine O. Hosli
Professor of International Relations
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Coalitions and power: Effects of qualified majority voting in the Council of the European Union
MO Hosli
J. Common Mkt. Stud. 34, 255, 1996
Who has power in the EU? The Commission, Council and Parliament in legislative decision‐making
R Thomson, M Hosli
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 44 (2), 391-417, 2006
Brussels between Bern and Berlin: comparative federalism meets the European Union
TA Börzel, MO Hosli
Governance 16 (2), 179-202, 2003
Admission of European Free Trade Association states to the European Community: effects on voting power in the European Community Council of Ministers
MO Hosli
International Organization 47 (4), 629-643, 1993
The balance between small and large: Effects of a double-majority system on voting power in the European Union
MO Hosli
International Studies Quarterly 39 (3), 351-370, 1995
Voting in the Council of the European Union after the 2004 enlargement: A comparison of old and new member states
MO Hosli, M Mattila, M Uriot
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 49 (6), 1249-1270, 2011
The creation of the European economic and monetary union (EMU): intergovernmental negotiations and two-level games
MO Hosli
Journal of European Public Policy 7 (5), 744-766, 2000
Voting strength in the European Parliament: The influence of national and of partisan actors
MO Hosli
European Journal of Political Research 31 (3), 351-366, 1997
The Nice Treaty and voting rules in the Council: a reply to Moberg (2002)
MO Hosli, M Machover
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 42 (3), 497-521, 2004
Power, connected coalitions, and efficiency: Challenges to the Council of the European Union
MO Hosli
International Political Science Review 20 (4), 371-391, 1999
Measuring national delegate positions at the convention on the future of Europe using computerized word scoring
K Benoit, M Laver, C Arnold, P Pennings, MO Hosli
European Union Politics 6 (3), 291-313, 2005
Pre-and post-Lisbon: European Union voting in the United Nations general assembly
X Jin, MO Hosli
Decision making in the EU before and after the Lisbon Treaty, 154-171, 2017
Putting citizens first: Representation and power in the European Union
F Pukelsheim
Institutional design and voting power in the European Union, 235-254, 2016
Squaring the circle? Collective and distributive effects of United Nations Security Council reform
MO Hosli, R Moody, B O’Donovan, S Kaniovski, ACH Little
The Review of International Organizations 6, 163-187, 2011
Voting cohesion in the United Nations General Assembly: the case of the European Union
MO Hosli, E Van Kampen, F Meijerink, K Tennis
ECPR Fifth Pan-European Conference 24, 2010
Why is change so slow? Assessing prospects for United Nations Security Council reform
MO Hosli, T Dörfler
Journal of Economic Policy Reform 22 (1), 35-50, 2019
From bioethanol containing fuels towards a fuel economy that includes methanol derived from renewable sources and the impact on European Union decision-making on transition …
TB Bonenkamp, LM Middelburg, MO Hosli, RF Wolffenbuttel
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 120, 109667, 2020
Explaining legislative decision-making in the European Union
R Thomson, MO Hosli
The European Union Decides, 2006
National representation in international organizations: the seat allocation model implicit in the European Union Council and Parliament
R Taagepera, MO Hosli
Political studies 54 (2), 370-398, 2006
Decision-making in the European Union: The power of political parties
JM Colomer, MO Hosli, JE Lane, S Berg, R Maeland
Decision Rules in the European Union: A Rational Choice Perspective, 234-265, 2000
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