Richard Evans
Richard Evans
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Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold
J Jumper, R Evans, A Pritzel, T Green, M Figurnov, O Ronneberger, ...
nature 596 (7873), 583-589, 2021
Improved protein structure prediction using potentials from deep learning
AW Senior, R Evans, J Jumper, J Kirkpatrick, L Sifre, T Green, C Qin, ...
Nature 577 (7792), 706-710, 2020
Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with AlphaFold 3
J Abramson, J Adler, J Dunger, R Evans, T Green, A Pritzel, ...
Nature 630 (8016), 493-500, 2024
Protein complex prediction with AlphaFold-Multimer
R Evans, M O’Neill, A Pritzel, N Antropova, A Senior, T Green, A Žídek, ...
biorxiv, 2021.10. 04.463034, 2021
Highly accurate protein structure prediction for the human proteome
K Tunyasuvunakool, J Adler, Z Wu, T Green, M Zielinski, A Žídek, ...
Nature 596 (7873), 590-596, 2021
Deep reinforcement learning in large discrete action spaces
G Dulac-Arnold, R Evans, H van Hasselt, P Sunehag, T Lillicrap, J Hunt, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.07679, 2015
The UK‐PBC risk scores: derivation and validation of a scoring system for long‐term prediction of end‐stage liver disease in primary biliary cholangitis
M Carbone, SJ Sharp, S Flack, D Paximadas, K Spiess, C Adgey, ...
Hepatology 63 (3), 930-950, 2016
Results of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Collaborative Clinical Trial to test the predictive value of skin testing with major and minor penicillin …
DD Sogn, R Evans, GM Shepherd, TB Casale, J Condemi, ...
Archives of internal medicine 152 (5), 1025-1032, 1992
Software agents: A review
S Green, L Hurst, B Nangle, P Cunningham, F Somers, R Evans
Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, Tech. Rep. TCS-CS …, 1997
Applying and improving AlphaFold at CASP14
J Jumper, R Evans, A Pritzel, T Green, M Figurnov, O Ronneberger, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 89 (12), 1711-1721, 2021
Protein structure prediction using multiple deep neural networks in the 13th Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction (CASP13)
AW Senior, R Evans, J Jumper, J Kirkpatrick, L Sifre, T Green, C Qin, ...
Proteins: structure, function, and bioinformatics 87 (12), 1141-1148, 2019
International genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new primary biliary cirrhosis risk loci and targetable pathogenic pathways
HJ Cordell, Y Han, GF Mells, Y Li, GM Hirschfield, CS Greene, G Xie, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8019, 2015
Co-writing screenplays and theatre scripts with language models: Evaluation by industry professionals
P Mirowski, KW Mathewson, J Pittman, R Evans
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2023
Flagship projects in urban regeneration
F Bianchini, J Dawson, R Evans
Rebuilding the city: Property-led urban regeneration, 245-255, 1992
High accuracy protein structure prediction using deep learning
J Jumper, R Evans, A Pritzel, T Green, M Figurnov, K Tunyasuvunakool, ...
Fourteenth critical assessment of techniques for protein structure …, 2020
Deepmind ai reduces google data centre cooling bill by 40%
R Evans, J Gao
DeepMind blog 20, 158, 2016
State of the English cities
M Parkinson, T Champion, R Evans, J Simmie, I Turok, M Cookston, ...
Newcastle University, 2006
Map of bird sensitivities to wind farms in Scotland: a tool to aid planning and conservation
J Bright, R Langston, R Bullman, R Evans, S Gardner, J Pearce-Higgins
Biological Conservation 141 (9), 2342-2356, 2008
A new, fully automatic version of Mitkov’s knowledge-poor pronoun resolution method
R Mitkov, R Evans, C Orasan
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: Third …, 2002
Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold., 2021, 596
J Jumper, R Evans, A Pritzel, T Green, M Figurnov, O Ronneberger, ...
DOI: https://doi. org/10.1038/s41586-021-03819-2, 583-589, 0
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