Dr. Anshuman Singh
Dr. Anshuman Singh
Senior Scientist, ICAR-CISH, Lucknow, India
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Citované v
Salinity research in India: achievements, challenges and future prospects.
DK Sharma, A Singh
Water and Energy International 58 (6), 35-45, 2015
Perceptions of climate variability and livelihood adaptations relating to gender and wealth among the Adi community of the Eastern Indian Himalayas
RK Singh, KK Zander, S Kumar, A Singh, P Sheoran, A Kumar, ...
Applied Geography 86, 41-52, 2017
Barley landraces: Ecological heritage for edaphic stress adaptations and sustainable production
A Kumar, RPS Verma, A Singh, HK Sharma, G Devi
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 6, 100035, 2020
Perceived climate variability and compounding stressors: Implications for risks to livelihoods of smallholder Indian farmers
RK Singh, A Singh, S Kumar, P Sheoran, DK Sharma, LC Stringer, ...
Environmental Management 66, 826-844, 2020
Pressmud alleviates soil sodicity stress in a rice–wheat rotation: Effects on soil properties, physiological adaptation and yield‐related traits
P Sheoran, A Kumar, A Singh, A Kumar, K Parjapat, R Sharma, RK Singh, ...
Land Degradation & Development 32 (9), 2735-2748, 2021
Classification and management of community forests in Indian Eastern Himalayas: implications on ecosystem services, conservation and livelihoods
RK Singh, SM Hussain, T Riba, A Singh, E Padung, O Rallen, YJ Lego, ...
Ecological Processes 7, 1-15, 2018
Application of plant growth regulators to improve fruit yield and quality in Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.)
A Singh, HK Singh
Journal of AgriSearch 2 (1), 20-23, 2015
Measuring successful processes of knowledge co-production for managing climate change and associated environmental stressors: Adaptation policies and practices to support …
RK Singh, A Singh, KK Zander, S Mathew, A Kumar
Journal of Environmental Management, 2021
Effect of different growing media on the rooting of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cv.'Phulearakta'cuttings
R Rajkumar, JS Gora, R Kumar, A Singh, A Kumar, G Gajender
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 9 (2), 715, 2017
Evidence that cultural food practices of Adi women in Arunachal Pradesh, India, improve social-ecological resilience: insights for Sustainable Development Goals
RK Singh, A Kumar, A Singh, P Singhal
Ecological Processes 9 (1), 1-19, 2020
Current Trends and Emerging Challenges in Sustainable Management of Salt-Affected Soils: A Critical Appraisal
DK Sharma, A Singh
Bioremediation of Salt Affected Soils: An Indian Perspective, 1-40, 2017
Sustainable management of sodic soils for crop production: opportunities and challenges
DK Sharma, A Singh, PC Sharma, JC Dagar, SK Chaudhari
Journal of Soil Salinity and Water Quality 8 (2), 109-130, 2016
Agro-biodiversity in rice–wheat-based agroecosystems of eastern Uttar Pradesh, India: Implications for conservation and sustainable management
RK Singh, A Singh, CB Pandey
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 21 (1), 46-59, 2014
Conditioning effects of biodegradable superabsorbent polymer and vermiproducts on media properties and growth of gerbera
AK Verma, SS Sindhu, A Singh, A Kumar, VBS Chauhan
Ecological Engineering 132, 23-30, 2019
Tribal institutions and conservation of the bioculturally valuable ‘tasat’(Arenga obtusifolia) tree in the eastern Himalaya
RK Singh, RC Srivastava, CB Pandey, A Singh
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 58 (1), 69-90, 2015
Paisang (Quercus griffithii): A Keystone Tree Species in Sustainable Agroecosystem Management and Livelihoods in Arunachal Pradesh, India
RK Singh, A Singh, ST Garnett, KK Zander, D Lobsang, Tsering
Environmental Management, 2015
Recent insights into physiological and molecular regulation of salt stress in fruit crops
A Singh, PC Sharma
Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research 8 (2), 171-183, 2018
Reviving the Productivity of Salt-affected Lands: Technological Options, Constraints and Research Needs
PC Sharma, A Singh
Research Developments in Saline Agriculture …, 2019
Livelihood resilience in the face of multiple stressors: biocultural resource-based adaptive strategies among the vulnerable communities
RK Singh, R Bhardwaj, AK Sureja, A Kumar, A Singh, BN Hazarika, ...
Sustainability Science, 2021
In salt affected soils agroforestry is a promising option
DK Sharma, SK Chaudhari, A Singh
Indian Farming 63 (11), 2014
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