Nasiru Abiodun Idowu
Nasiru Abiodun Idowu
Chief Reservoir Engineer & Digital Rock Technology Expert, iRock Technologies
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Citované v
Relative permeability calculations from two-phase flow simulations directly on digital images of porous rocks
T Ramstad, N Idowu, C Nardi, PE Øren
Transport in Porous Media 94 (2), 487-504, 2012
Pore-scale modeling of rate effects in Waterflooding
NA Idowu, MJ Blunt
IPTC 2008: International Petroleum Technology Conference, cp-148-00088, 2008
Fast bilateral filtering for denoising large 3D images
G Papari, N Idowu, T Varslot
Ieee transactions on image processing 26 (1), 251-261, 2016
Pore-scale modeling: Stochastic network generation and Modeling of rate effects in waterflooding
NA Idowu
Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College London, 2009
Multi-scale imaging and modeling workflow to capture and characterize microporosity in sandstone
H Long, C Nardi, N Idowu, A Carnerup, P Øren, M Knackstedt, T Varslot, ...
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, Napa Valley …, 2013
Effects of segmentation and skeletonization algorithms on pore networks and predicted multiphase-transport properties of reservoir-rock samples
NAA Idowu, C Nardi, H Long, T Varslot, PEE Øren
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 17 (04), 473-483, 2014
Pore-scale modelling of CO2-brine flow properties at In Salah, Algeria
O Lopez, N Idowu, A Mock, H Rueslåtten, T Boassen, S Leary, P Ringrose
Energy Procedia 4, 3762-3769, 2011
Wettability analysis using micro-CT, FESEM and QEMSCAN, and its applications to digital rock physics
N Idowu, H Long, PE Øren, AM Carnerup, A Fogden, I Bondino, L Sundal, ...
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, 16-21, 2015
Improving digital rock physics predictive potential for relative permeabilities from equivalent pore networks
N Idowu, C Nardi, H Long, PE Øren, I Bondino, E Total
Paper SCA 17, 16-19, 2013
Gas-water steady-state relative permeability determination with two approaches; experimental and digital rock analysis, strengths and weaknesses
R Farokhpoor, E Westphal, N Idowu, P Oren, B Fletcher
SCA2016-12, 2016
Pore-Scale modelling: Effects of network properties on predictive capabilities
N Idowu, C Nardi, H Long, PE Øren
Oral presentation of paper SCA 35, 2012
Collaboration between digital rock analysis and laboratory for generation of multiphase transport properties for reservoir samples
N Idowu, A Arena, B Young, A Mascini, K Chawshin, C Goodwin, ...
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts 2016, 53, 2016
Digital core analysis of Lower Ahmadi to Upper Wara formations
A Golab, L Deakin, V Ravlo, C Mattisson, A Carnerup, B Young, N Idowu, ...
SPE Kuwait Oil and Gas Show and Conference, SPE-175201-MS, 2015
Mineralogical and Petrophysical Characterisation of a Fine Grained Sandstone With Significant Clay Coating Using 3-D Micro-CT and SEM Imaging From a 5mm Plug
A Golab, A Arena, I Barranco, R Salazar-Tio, J Hamilton, N Idowu, ...
International Conference & Exhibition, 2015
Digital Rock Analysis of the Transition Zone in the Minagish Formation, Kuwait
L Hayat, MA Al-Rushaid, N Idowu, A Fogden, S Sommacal, A Golab, ...
SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition …, 2017
Dynamic modelling of flow in porous rocks; Reservoir modelling
N Idowu, T Ramstad, C Nardi
Scandinavian Oil-Gas Magazine 38, 2010
Pore-Scale Modeling of Rate Effects in Waterflooding
N Idowu, M Blunt
International Petroleum Technology Conference, 3-5 December, Kuala Lumpur …, 2008
Rock image denoising by fast bilateral filtering
G Papari, N Idowu, T Varslot
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