Xianwei Wang
Xianwei Wang
Sun Yat-sen University
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Citované v
Citované v
The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution
xx Tomato Genome Consortium
Nature 485 (7400), 635, 2012
Sparse whole-genome sequencing identifies two loci for major depressive disorder
Nature 523 (7562), 588-591, 2015
Integrating sequence and array data to create an improved 1000 Genomes Project haplotype reference panel
O Delaneau, J Marchini
Nature communications 5 (1), 3934, 2014
Improved imputation of low-frequency and rare variants using the UK10K haplotype reference panel
J Huang, B Howie, S McCarthy, Y Memari, K Walter, JL Min, P Danecek, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8111, 2015
Different responses of MODIS-derived NDVI to root-zone soil moisture in semi-arid and humid regions
X Wang, H Xie, H Guan, X Zhou
Journal of hydrology 340 (1-2), 12-24, 2007
Electricity production from beer brewery wastewater using single chamber microbial fuel cell
X Wang, YJ Feng, H Lee
Water Science and Technology 57 (7), 1117-1121, 2008
Influence of grape seed proanthocyanidin extract in broiler chickens: effect on chicken coccidiosis and antioxidant status
ML Wang, X Suo, JH Gu, WW Zhang, Q Fang, X Wang
Poultry Science 87 (11), 2273-2280, 2008
Aeolian sediment evidence that global cooling has driven late Cenozoic stepwise aridification in central Asia
H Lu, X Wang, L Li
Evaluation of MODIS snow cover and cloud mask and its application in Northern Xinjiang, China
X Wang, H Xie, T Liang
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (4), 1497-1513, 2008
Description and basic evaluation of Beijing Normal University Earth system model (BNU-ESM) version 1
D Ji, L Wang, J Feng, Q Wu, H Cheng, Q Zhang, J Yang, W Dong, Y Dai, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 7 (5), 2039-2064, 2014
Water-level changes in China's large lakes determined from ICESat/GLAS data
X Wang, P Gong, Y Zhao, Y Xu, X Cheng, Z Niu, Z Luo, H Huang, F Sun, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 132, 131-144, 2013
Pt− Ru supported on double-walled carbon nanotubes as high-performance anode catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells
W Li, X Wang, Z Chen, M Waje, Y Yan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (31), 15353-15358, 2006
Upregulation of human autophagy-initiation kinase ULK1 by tumor suppressor p53 contributes to DNA-damage-induced cell death
W Gao, Z Shen, L Shang, X Wang
Cell Death & Differentiation 18 (10), 1598-1607, 2011
tBid interaction with cardiolipin primarily orchestrates mitochondrial dysfunctions and subsequently activates Bax and Bak
F Gonzalvez, F Pariselli, P Dupaigne, I Budihardjo, M Lutter, B Antonsson, ...
Cell Death & Differentiation 12 (6), 614-626, 2005
MicroRNA-30a suppresses breast tumor growth and metastasis by targeting metadherin
N Zhang, X Wang, Q Huo, M Sun, C Cai, Z Liu, G Hu, Q Yang
Oncogene 33 (24), 3119-3128, 2014
A mixed displacement-based finite element formulation for acoustic fluid-structure interaction
KJ Bathe, C Nitikitpaiboon, X Wang
Computers & Structures 56 (2-3), 225-237, 1995
A review on applications of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) in water resources and flood risk management
X Wang, H Xie
Water 10 (5), 608, 2018
Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) detection of water storage changes in the Three Gorges Reservoir of China and comparison with in situ measurements
X Wang, C De Linage, J Famiglietti, CS Zender
Water Resources Research 47 (12), 2011
New methods for studying the spatiotemporal variation of snow cover based on combination products of MODIS Terra and Aqua
X Wang, H Xie
Journal of hydrology 371 (1-4), 192-200, 2009
Interdecadal variability of the relationship between the East Asian winter monsoon and ENSO
W Zhou, X Wang, TJ Zhou, C Li, JCL Chan
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 98, 283-293, 2007
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