Sascha Löbner
Sascha Löbner
Research and teaching assistant at the Chair of Mobile Business and Multilateral Security, Goethe University
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Citované v
Citované v
Explainable machine learning for default privacy setting prediction
S Löbner, WB Tesfay, T Nakamura, S Pape
IEEE Access 9, 63700-63717, 2021
“All apps do this”: Comparing privacy concerns towards privacy tools and non-privacy tools for social media content
V Bracamonte, S Pape, S Loebner
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2022
Comparison of de-identification techniques for privacy preserving data analysis in vehicular data sharing
S Löbner, F Tronnier, S Pape, K Rannenberg
Proceedings of the 5th ACM computer science in cars symposium, 1-11, 2021
A Discussion on Ethical Cybersecurity Issues in Digital Service Chains
F Tronnier, S Pape, S Löbner, K Rannenberg
Study on the technical evaluation of de-identification procedures for personal data in the automotive sector
K Rannenberg, S Pape, F Tronnier, S Löbner
Technical report, Goethe University Frankfurt, 2021
Effectiveness and information quality perception of an AI model card: a study among non-experts
V Bracamonte, S Pape, S Löbner, F Tronnier
2023 20th Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust …, 2023
Enhancing privacy in federated learning with local differential privacy for email classification
S Löbner, B Gogov, WB Tesfay
International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, 3-18, 2022
User acceptance criteria for privacy preserving machine learning techniques
S Löbner, S Pape, V Bracamonte
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Availability …, 2023
Systematizing the state of knowledge in detecting privacy sensitive information in unstructured texts using machine learning
S Löbner, WB Tesfay, V Bracamonte, T Nakamura
2023 20th Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust …, 2023
Privacy Preserving Data Analysis with the Encode, Shuffle, Analyse Architecture in Vehicular Data Sharing
S Löbner, C Gartner, F Tronnier
Proceedings of the 2023 European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference …, 2023
An Evaluation of Information Flows in Digital Euro Transactions Using Contextual Integrity Theory
F Tronnier, P Biker, E Baur, S Löbner
Proceedings of the 2023 European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference …, 2023
De-Identification of Privacy Sensitive Information in Resumes with GPT-4: An Utility Analysis for Automated Job Role Classification
S Löbner, F Tronnier, D Linke
Consulting in the Age of AI: A Qualitative Study on the Impact of Generative AI on Management Consultancy Services
F Tronnier, R Bernet, S Löbner, K Rannenberg
Which PPML Would a User Choose? A Structured Decision Support Framework for Developers to Rank PPML Techniques Based on User Acceptance Criteria
S Löbner, S Pape, V Bracamonte, K Phalakarn
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.06995, 2024
An In-Depth Analysis of Security and Privacy Concerns in Smart Home IoT Devices Through Expert User Interviews
S Löbner, F Tronnier, L Miller, J Lindemann
IFIP World Conference on Information Security Education, 97-110, 2024
Better Than Ever? Analyzing The Impact of Change in Consensus Mechanism On Market Liquidity For Ethereum
F Tronnier, A Stoev, P Hamm, S Löbner
A Systematic Literature Review on Gender Bias in AI–Towards Inclusiveness in Machine Learning
F Tronnier, S Löbner, A Azanbayev, ML Walter
Factors of Intention to Use a Photo Tool: Comparison Between Privacy-Enhancing and Non-privacy-enhancing Tools
V Bracamonte, S Pape, S Löbner
IFIP International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection …, 2023
Comparing the Effect of Privacy and Non-Privacy Social Media Photo Tools on Factors of Privacy Concern.
V Bracamonte, S Pape, S Loebner
ICISSP, 669-676, 2023
Attitudes and Concerns Related to a Privacy-Enhancing Tool for Social Media Photos
V Bracamonte, S Pape, S Loebner
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