Mattias Hjort
Mattias Hjort
Forskningsledare, VTI
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Citované v
Single-electron transistor of a single organic molecule with access to several redox states
S Kubatkin, A Danilov, M Hjort, J Cornil, JL Bredas, N Stuhr-Hansen, ...
Nature 425 (6959), 698-701, 2003
Band resonant tunneling in DNA molecules
M Hjort, S Stafström
Physical review letters 87 (22), 228101, 2001
Modeling vacancies in graphite via the Hückel method
M Hjort, S Stafström
Physical Review B 61 (20), 14089, 2000
Localization in quasi-one-dimensional systems
M Hjort, S Stafström
Physical Review B 62 (8), 5245, 2000
Rolling resistance and its relation to operating conditions: A literature review
L Ydrefors, M Hjort, S Kharrazi, J Jerrelind, A Stensson Trigell
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2021
Road friction estimation
M Andersson, F Bruzelius, J Casselgren, M Gäfvert, M Hjort, J Hultén, ...
Saab Automobile AB, Trollhättan, Sweden, 2007
Road Wear from Heavy Vehicles: An Overview
M Hjort, M Haraldsson, JM Jansen
NVF Committee Vehicles and Transports, Nordiska vägtekniska förbundet, 2008
Prediction of flow rutting in asphalt concrete layers
SF Said, H Hakim, E Oscarsson, M Hjort
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 12 (6), 519-532, 2011
Single electron transistor with a single conjugated molecule
S Kubatkin, A Danilov, M Hjort, J Cornil, JL Brédas, N Stuhr-Hansen, ...
Current Applied Physics 4 (5), 554-558, 2004
Disorder-induced electron localization in metallic carbon nanotubes
M Hjort, S Stafström
Physical Review B 63 (11), 113406, 2001
Validation of a basic combined-slip tyre model for use in friction estimation applications
F Bruzelius, M Hjort, J Svendenius
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2014
Methods for the evaluation of traffic safety effects of Antilock Braking System (ABS) and Electronic Stability Control (ESC): A literature review
A Linder, T Dukic, M Hjort, Y Matstoms, S Mårdh, J Sundström, A Vadeby, ...
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2007
Road friction estimation Part II
M Andersson, F Bruzelius, J Casselgren, M Hjort, S Löfving, G Olsson, ...
Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems (IVSS) Project Report, Sweden, 2010
Effekter av vinterdäck: en kunskapsöversikt
M Gustafsson, CM Berglund, B Forsberg, I Forsberg, S Forward, ...
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2006
An approach for realistic simulation of real road condition in a moving base driving simulator
A Bolling, J Jansson, M Hjort, M Lidström, S Nordmark, H Sehammar, ...
Per Hedegård, and Thomas Bjørnholm
S Kubatkin, A Danilov, M Hjort, J Cornil, JL Brédas, N Stuhr-Hansen
Nature London 425, 698, 2003
Who should be governed to reduce deforestation and how? Multiple governmentalities at the REDD+ negotiations
M Hjort
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38 (1), 134-152, 2020
Trafiksäkerhetseffekter vid införande av längre och tyngre fordon: en kunskapsöversikt
M Hjort, J Sandin
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2012
Trafiksäkerhetspåverkan vid omkörning av 30-metersfordon
J Andersson, L Renner, J Sandin, C Fors, N Strand, M Hjort, ...
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2011
A test method for evaluating safety aspects of ESC equipped passenger cars: A prototype proposal
M Hjort, H Andersson, J Jansson, S Mårdh, J Sundström
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2009
Systém momentálne nemôže vykonať operáciu. Skúste to neskôr.
Články 1–20