cyrus madnia
cyrus madnia
Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
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Citované v
Citované v
Numerical simulation of non-circular jets
RS Miller, CK Madnia, P Givi
Computers & fluids 24 (1), 1-25, 1995
Direct numerical simulation of a laminar vortex ring
S James, CK Madnia
Physics of Fluids 8 (9), 2400-2414, 1996
Interaction of a turbulent round jet with the free surface
CK Madnia, LP Bernal
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 261, 305-332, 1994
Entrainment in a compressible turbulent shear layer
R Jahanbakhshi, CK Madnia
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 797, 564-603, 2016
Large eddy simulation of turbulent reacting flows by assumed PDF methods
SH Frankel, V Adumitroaie, CK Madnia, P Givi
ASME-PUBLICATIONS-FED 162, 81-81, 1993
Non-Gaussian scalar statistics in homogeneous turbulence
FA Jaberi, RS Miller, CK Madnia, P Givi
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 313, 241-282, 1996
Characteristics of chemically reacting compressible homogeneous turbulence
FA Jaberi, D Livescu, CK Madnia
Physics of Fluids 12 (5), 1189-1209, 2000
Structure of a turbulent reacting mixing layer
RS Miller, CK Madnia, P Givi
Combustion science and technology 99 (1-3), 1-36, 1994
Baroclinic vorticity generation near the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in a compressible shear layer
R Jahanbakhshi, NS Vaghefi, CK Madnia
Physics of Fluids 27 (10), 2015
Modeling heat transfer in Bi2Te3–Sb2Te3 nanostructures
A Pattamatta, CK Madnia
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (3-4), 860-869, 2009
Developments in formulation and application of the filtered density function
TG Drozda, MRH Sheikhi, CK Madnia, P Givi
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 78, 35-67, 2007
Direct numerical simulation and large eddy simulation of reacting homogeneous turbulence
CK Madnia, P Givi
Large Eddy Simulations of Complex Engineering and Geophysical Flows 5, 315-346, 1993
Johnson-Edgeworth translation for probability modeling of binary scalar mixing in turbulent flows
RS Miller, SH Frankel, CK Madnia, P Givi
Combustion science and technology 91 (1-3), 21-52, 1993
The effects of heat release on the energy exchange in reacting turbulent shear flow
D Livescu, FA Jaberi, CK Madnia
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 450, 35-66, 2002
Effects of compressibility and heat release in a high speed reacting mixing layer
P Givi, CK Madnia, CJ Steinberger, MH Carpenter, JP Drummond
Combustion science and technology 78 (1-3), 33-67, 1991
Local flow topology and velocity gradient invariants in compressible turbulent mixing layer
NS Vaghefi, CK Madnia
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 774, 67-94, 2015
Passive-scalar wake behind a line source in grid turbulence
D Livescu, FA Jaberi, CK Madnia
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 416, 117-149, 2000
Small scale structure of homogeneous turbulent shear flow
D Livescu, CK Madnia
Physics of Fluids 16 (8), 2864-2876, 2004
Autoignition and structure of nonpremixed CH4/H2 flames: detailed and reduced kinetic models
C Safta, CK Madnia
Combustion and flame 144 (1-2), 64-73, 2006
The effect of heat release on the entrainment in a turbulent mixing layer
R Jahanbakhshi, CK Madnia
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 844, 92-126, 2018
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