Laura Gasco
Laura Gasco
Professore Ordinario- Dipartimento Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari. Univ. Torino
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Review on the use of insects in the diet of farmed fish: past and future
M Henry, L Gasco, G Piccolo, E Fountoulaki
Animal Feed Science and Technology 203, 1-22, 2015
Effect of rearing substrate on growth performance, waste reduction efficiency and chemical composition of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae
M Meneguz, A Schiavone, F Gai, A Dama, C Lussiana, M Renna, L Gasco
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98 (15), 5776-5784, 2018
Nutritional value of two insect larval meals (Tenebrio molitor and Hermetia illucens) for broiler chickens: Apparent nutrient digestibility, apparent ileal amino acid …
M De Marco, S Martínez, F Hernandez, J Madrid, F Gai, L Rotolo, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 209, 211-218, 2015
Evaluation of the suitability of a partially defatted black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) larvae meal as ingredient for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum …
M Renna, A Schiavone, F Gai, S Dabbou, C Lussiana, V Malfatto, ...
Journal of animal science and biotechnology 8, 1-13, 2017
Nutritional value of a partially defatted and a highly defatted black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens L.) meal for broiler chickens: apparent nutrient digestibility …
A Schiavone, M De Marco, S Martínez, S Dabbou, M Renna, J Madrid, ...
Journal of animal science and biotechnology 8, 1-9, 2017
Tenebrio molitor meal in diets for European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) juveniles: growth performance, whole body composition and in vivo apparent digestibility
L Gasco, M Henry, G Piccolo, S Marono, F Gai, M Renna, C Lussiana, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 220, 34-45, 2016
The potential role of insects as feed: A multi-perspective review
G Sogari, M Amato, I Biasato, S Chiesa, L Gasco
Animals 9 (4), 119, 2019
Partial or total replacement of soybean oil by black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens L.) fat in broiler diets: effect on growth performances, feed-choice, blood …
A Schiavone, M Cullere, M De Marco, M Meneguz, I Biasato, S Bergagna, ...
Italian Journal of Animal Science 16 (1), 93-100, 2017
Effects of a natural extract of chestnut wood on digestibility, performance traits, and nitrogen balance of broiler chicks
A Schiavone, K Guo, S Tassone, L Gasco, E Hernandez, R Denti, ...
Poultry science 87 (3), 521-527, 2008
Use of Tenebrio molitor larvae meal as protein source in broiler diet: Effect on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and carcass and meat traits
F Bovera, R Loponte, S Marono, G Piccolo, G Parisi, V Iaconisi, L Gasco, ...
Journal of Animal Science 94 (2), 639-647, 2016
Black soldier fly defatted meal as a dietary protein source for broiler chickens: Effects on growth performance, blood traits, gut morphology and histological features
S Dabbou, F Gai, I Biasato, MT Capucchio, E Biasibetti, D Dezzutto, ...
Journal of animal science and biotechnology 9, 1-10, 2018
Yellow mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor, L.) as a possible alternative to soybean meal in broiler diets
F Bovera, G Piccolo, L Gasco, S Marono, R Loponte, G Vassalotti, ...
British poultry science 56 (5), 569-575, 2015
Effect of Tenebrio molitor larvae meal on growth performance, in vivo nutrients digestibility, somatic and marketable indexes of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)
G Piccolo, V Iaconisi, S Marono, L Gasco, R Loponte, S Nizza, F Bovera, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 226, 12-20, 2017
Tenebrio molitor meal in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) diets: effects on animal performance, nutrient digestibility and chemical composition of fillets
M Belforti, F Gai, C Lussiana, M Renna, V Malfatto, L Rotolo, M De Marco, ...
Italian Journal of Animal Science 14 (4), 4170, 2015
Can diets containing insects promote animal health?
L Gasco, M Finke, A Van Huis
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 4 (1), 1-4, 2018
Productive performance and blood profiles of laying hens fed Hermetia illucens larvae meal as total replacement of soybean meal from 24 to 45 weeks of age
S Marono, R Loponte, P Lombardi, G Vassalotti, ME Pero, F Russo, ...
Poultry science 96 (6), 1783-1790, 2017
Insect and fish by-products as sustainable alternatives to conventional animal proteins in animal nutrition
L Gasco, G Acuti, P Bani, A Dalle Zotte, PP Danieli, A De Angelis, ...
Italian Journal of Animal Science 19 (1), 360-372, 2020
Animals fed insect-based diets: State-of-the-art on digestibility, performance and product quality
L Gasco, I Biasato, S Dabbou, A Schiavone, F Gai
Animals 9 (4), 170, 2019
Characterisation of the intestinal microbial communities of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed with Hermetia illucens (black soldier fly) partially defatted larva meal as …
L Bruni, R Pastorelli, C Viti, L Gasco, G Parisi
Aquaculture 487, 56-63, 2018
Fishmeal alternative protein sources for aquaculture feeds
L Gasco, F Gai, G Maricchiolo, L Genovese, S Ragonese, T Bottari, ...
Feeds for the aquaculture sector: current situation and alternative sources …, 2018
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